(Belongs to author)
It will be wrong to say that few days are remaining to draw 2024 to end as indeed there are few hours only. Days would be very big word to explain remainimg time. One thinks that years are passing on like months. Many decades ,centuries and milleniums have passed and many more will pass further as well ending one generation and favouring another. On the start of each year new resolutions and commitments will be made and the end of year will always be with some regrets.
Watching back to 2024 will be pleasuring for some while for many it will be year of unforgettable memories and events. Each day we meet new people. But our social circle does not extend to all because the chemistry matches to few. And it is very heart-wrenching feeling to lose a person whom you never wanted to.
In my previous blogs , I have mentioned that 2024 was an year of detachments for me. I got deprived of many of my valuable people. Some detachments are of distance just. They are temporary. Though, I cannot meet them daily bit I can talk to them whenever I want. This can be called as temporary detachment. While some detachments are not temporary they become permenant because you can overcome every type of situation but you can’t persuade person who gave up on you. We cannot say anythinh to one who oaths to be together on ruffling voyage but leaves you on the mercy of waves on slighly shivering of boat.
There was a person whom I love more than myself. There was a person whom I cared more than I did to any. There was a person who was my friend,my soulmate,my confidant,my advisor ,my love and my anti- depressant. Her influence on my personality was so much intense that my mood depended on her and she could change it anytime she wanted. She was the one around whom I felt so comfortable and child-like. I could say whatever I want and I could discuss whatever stucked my mind. And all this was not one sided even.
(Belong to me)
But as some disasters though are predictable yet they come like a shock. Just like Titanic which was told of iceberges already but it collided with same, my story was meant to be cautious yet the sudden and expected end was so shocking. The end could have been much more pleasant and satisfying than this but sometimes there are just “if” , “perfaps” and “i wish” are left in life.
This is the worst type of feeling to lose one whom you never want to. This feeling kills you each day. You remember everything what you have spent with them. You cannot forget those memories spent with that unforgettable person. You want to forget but inside of you a person which never lets you. I wish no one has to suffer this type of feelings because it left you crying with smiling face.
This is my blog for #hl-exclusive and #hl-w145e3.
👊 dukhi atma