A riotous world~Fracas, uproars and hues

in Hive Learners7 months ago (edited)


Venezuela is experiencing public protests after the announcement of the victory of Nicolas Maduru in allegedly rigged presidential elections.

Thailand's streets are clamoring with hubbubs against the enaction of laws restraining people from criticizing autocrats and constraining democratic figures

Bangladesh has gone through a bloody revolution to oust a corrupt, undemocratic, and monopolist PM after weeks of public protests.

The UK after a long time encountered a wave of racism after the alleged murder of three minors by stabbing an alleged immigrant who was nothing more than a canard.

India is also in the headlines due to a week-long protest from doctors after a heinous act of desecration of a female MBBS doctor.

The detention of a publicly renowned leader in a set of meager cases is also flaring up sentiments of the public to express their wrath on the streets.

The Gaza Strip is experiencing genocide and inhuman atrocities by a Zion state under the shade of a superpower.

The year-long Russia-Ukrain war has not lost its heat as Ukraine attacks the western border of Russia with 1000 personnel,30 tanks, and air jets.

and many more across the world..........

Despite many treaties signed, organizations formed, and forums created after world wars, the peace in the world continued to remain in turmoil. The leaders have not learned anything from the traumatic and excruciating effects and events of world wars. Despite pledges to serve their respective nations, they remained busy maneuvering against each other and creating fracas in competitive countries. The rulers have been involved in exploiting the resources of the nation for their benefit, compromising the integrity of the country to pile up coins, and manipulating the systems to hamper the involvement of the common man.

The world is making progress by leaps and bounds ,apparently,in fields ranging from computer science to astronomy but a competitive environment has developed between nations and in nation as well. Atrocities, illegal usurpation, political maneuvering, and brutal use of force are the common means employed today despite knowing the fact that throughout mankind's history, the suppression of balloons is as far as possible until it doesn't explode. Once it explodes then that brutality faces a more intense retaliation.Bangladesh is recent living example of it

Between these national and international riots, the key issues are lying unheeded. The economy of the whole world is deteriorating each day, the population is exploding, resources are depleting, the climate is changing, the living standards are decreasing, atrocities and inhuman activities are increasing and human rights are being violated. All this is flaring up sentiments leading to riots. Polarisation, extremism, and racism are penetrating deep in societies just like at the start of the 20th century.

International organizations were formed to ensure peace across the world but they have failed in providing people with free and fair plebiscites, securing their rights, quelling atrocities and injustice, and solving issues that stir their animosity. The power dynamics have decentralized. The superpowers of America that made it craft world order after world wars and in the Cold War era have been grounded by a rising power i.e. China and an already existing but disintegrated USSR, currently Russia. All three stalwarts are doing their level best to control the middle countries by providing them with the commodities they need.

The role of UNs is very foible. All of its rulings are paid no heed. Despite myriad bodies and departments, it is nothing but a frail institution that has always failed to resolve conflicts. Kashmir, Palestine, and now the Ukraine war is the corroborating proof of it. The diplomacy have been confined to just like minded states. Involvement in the internal affairs of a country is a heinous act but all three stalwarts compromise the system by political engineering to bring the man of their choice rather than that of flocks.

Where will all these hoaxing take us to?
Will we ever get a prosperous and peaceful world?
When will the world will be free arm race?
When will hunger and atrocities end?

The questions have been unanswered since centuries.


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