But really, how many times do you get to hear people say, "like father, like son, or rather, like mother, like daughter"? Plenty of times right? As for me, I have obviously lost count.
One time, I had travelled to the village. It was a festive period and so many people had also come back to celebrate with their family members. As a city boy, the village settings have always fascinated me. So much to experience and so much to savour. However, one funny encounter will always remind me of the saying, " a chip of the old block".
Being a long time i have been to the village, I would always have plenty of visitors coming to say hello any time am around. This particular time was no exception. On a particular day, I had received quite a number of visitors, mainly ladies. Now, there lies the problem.
I would always go and see them off as they leave my place. I had seen off the first, the second and then the third. All this while I didn't realise my grand mum was observing from afar.
I had seen off the third lady and was coming back home. About to enter my room, I heard a sound like someone clearing their throat, and then, "you this boy, with your eyes like that of your father. Make sure you don't impregnate any girl o, because you would marry her". It was my grand mum. I didn't know what to say. Do i cry or feel proud? My dad must really have been a 'terror' to ladies when he was my age. Funny enough I was far from what she was thinking. Or am I......., never mind.
Nature At Play
We all have that one thing or more that we inherit from our parents. Nature has made this possible. Be it character, mannerisms, looks, disposition etc. There is always that thing that will always show we are cut from the same cloth.
Mum and dad has always been a vital part of my life and they have influenced me in so many ways . So, It wouldn't be a surprise I inherited some of their traits and characters. For the purpose of this post, I will share two of the traits I took from each of them.
A Counselor Per Excellence
One thing I dreaded the most about my dad, especially the nights before I go back to school, was him talking to me. It will always be a long night. He would talk and talk and talk. Dad would counsel you and sometimes make you cry. People would come to him with diverse problem, most of them marriage challenges. Like always he would give them sound counsel and they would always go back happy.
As I grew older, I noticed I had similar traits. I loved being impartial. I loved saying things as they are, even if it will cost me my relationship. Don't ask for my opinion if you don't want to hear the truth. Just like dad, I can give good counsel that is beyond prejudice.
If Jack Of All Trade Was A Person
Mum was a living definition of the expression "jack of all trades". She could multi task, as much as the end will be favourable. She made it a habit to always invest in many businesses. She will always tell you, "never cast all your eggs in one basket" . I saw first hand how this helped us during dire times. She was simply a genius.
Today, people wonder how am able to juggle many businesses at the same time. I simply ask them, " have you met mrs Marcel" (my mum)? Am a hustler, invested in many side hustles. It's not easy but like my mum I do get bye. Suffice to say, I took after her.
Over the years, these traits has been a blessing in a lot of ways to me. People know I will always be on the side of truth, on any situation, no matter whose ox is gored. By this, they have come to trust me more and also trust my counsel and judgment. It has also helped me in my hustles. I can literally jump on any hustle provided it makes sense and it pays.
These traits has made life a bit easier and I truly enjoy having them. Something tells me I will be passing them to my offsprings. That would be something to cherish.
Finally I meet a counselor, make I save this contact . Very important
You have equally described my mum up there, she was everything you have mentioned.
My counselling services are not free o.😂😂😂😂
Thanks for reading
The counseling trait is so cool to be able to pass the right words and been impartial. Jack of all trades, I wish I had inherited that from my dad. It great been versatile.
Yeah, that's true. You get to be impartial. It also has a negative side, many people don't like the truth and might not want to come closer to you.
Only God knows how those Mama got that strength for multitasking. They can do different things at the same time per day and still be the first to wake up in the family the following day.
Am telling you! My mum wakes up literally by 5am everyday. Where she got her strength from I don't know.
Lol, all hail Mama de Mama🤣🤣. God will continue to strengthen her🙏
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Yes o, I am that friend. You can always count on me to tell you as it is. Glad to know you are like me. ❤️❤️