My worthwhile happiness is seeing myself being independent and being able to help my neighbours in one way or the other anytime the need arise.
Independent in the sense that i do not rely on anyone before i do certain things on my own, i could remember when i gained admission into higher institution for the second time that i paid for my school fees without relying on my parents, this gives me so much joy leading to a great happiness in my heart.
Also, when i gained admission into higher institution the second time for my degree program, because during my NCE program i offered integrated science/chemistry so i can go for either of the course at degree level but I'm not so good at chemistry so i was scared of the course. Moreover, the course is very tough and stressful but there is a particular brother that is doing the same course and he assured me that there's no problem, whenever i have difficulties in any of the courses he will be available to help me, because of that i picked chemistry department for my degree program and i rely so much on this brother thinking that whenever there's any problem in any of the course i will run to him.
Though, he was a final year student when i got the admission and immediately he finished writing his final exams he relocated, i was so disappointed because all my hope was chattered and i summoned courage and study very hard during the first year of my program and i passed all the courses, this gives me strength to be independent and throughout the course of my program i didn't have any carry over and i was filled with so much happiness.
There are many things that can make me happy if i have them in my life now, firstly as a graduate if i secure a well paid job i will be so happy, secondly, after securing a well paid job then getting married will also be a source of happiness to me, thirdly building a house of my own whereby no landlord will be disturbing me at the end of every year is another means of happiness, then getting a good car that will make me comfortable in moving from one place to another will also serve as a source of happiness and lastly, having enough money in my bank account so that whenever need arise i will be able to cater for it or any of my family members or neighbours come for assistance in terms of money i will be able to render help this will bring so much happiness to me.
Though, everything i mentioned above are what can make me happy but i'm working hard to acquire them so that i can be happy, but my true happiness is when i don't rely on anyone to get things done (independent) and also being able to assist anyone that come to me for assistance at any point in time.
Thanks for your time on my blog.
I believe everything that you mentioned here is achievable as far as they can bring happiness to you, and I can see that you're working towards achieving the dream of creating true happiness for yourself.
That's true because i'm working really hard to achieve my dream, thanks for reading my post.