My Goals as a Newbie

in Hive Learners2 years ago

As a newbie on the Hive blockchain, it's difficult for me to set specific goals at first, because I am new to the system. When I was introduced to the platform, the only goal that I set which I can remember vividly is that I will try as much as possible to post quality and educative content on Hive blockchain because I'm yet to understand how the platform works.

Literally, Goal can be defined as a result that one is attempting to achieve. Goal must be specific, attainable, and achievable. As times goes by, over a month now that I joined Hive platform and I am getting to know how it works daily, then I realized I need to set specific goals that will be achievable by the end of the year.

As the year is coming to a close, one of my goals is that I want to be consistent on the blockchain and be active too, because I realized that consistency is the key on the Hive blockchain and since I joined the platform I have not been consistent due to my work place, because I always open by 8:00am and close by 6:00pm (Monday - Friday) every week.

Another one is quality engagement, by visiting other people's post and by engaging with them through quality comments, questions and suggestions, I didn't understand this before because I'm a newbie, I thought it's just all about posting contents but now I know better.

Another set goal of mine is that by the end of the year I want to build relationships with people on the blockchain, by following people that motivate me on the blockchain through their write-ups.

And the very last one is increasing my Hive Power (HP) from what it is now to 200HP by the end of the year, I think this is achievable with consistency and hardwork because right now I have less than 25HP. So, these are my goals for now on Hive blockchain.

This is my submission for the weekly contest on Hive learners community week 32 edition 01.

Thanks for reading to the end.