Why Always put the blame on the children?

The society has driven and led a lot of children to where they are not suppose to, cases like this this has been top on the list of discussion between parents and elders.

This is as a result of the generation that we are, this is the 21sth century and believe it or not everything is bound to change, as the children of the now generation are eager to know things, to discover things and possibly learn anything learnable even to those ones the are restricted. In this case parents cannot blame them for their curiosity but should have a way of making them know and understand what the oath to.
I will talk about this in two ways.
I will talk about parent that lack knowledge on how to train their children so the can be responsible.
Secondly I will talk about children who are stubborn to learn even after been fed by the right information.
Let's dive into the discussion.

What do call parents that are too naive about the times we live in, I have seen this kinds of parent around and it's always very bad at the end, parents who underestimate the pressure of peer pressure, when you know that it's not the fault of your child that he or she seeks to know a thing, this is where Education comes in, parent who did not go to school will see somethings as a traite, I had a neighbor like this where I was working, he literally has a different mindset towards discipline, and this has in turn influence all his children, I wasn't surprised when I found out that he wasn't educated, if this children speaks you will understand that this one's are behind time, now the first child that is 19 years of age according to him, has not written SSCE exams yet, the father has money and his doing well, infact he is living in his duplex, has a good business and is doing well, but refuses to send his son's to school, according to the son, he always tell them that his parent didn't send them to school so he has nothing to do with education them.These words baffles me a lot, this guys grow up to become non challant, if parents are not ready to take responsibility then the should be no need to complain if the child become wayward.
The should be a balancing fromd the parents, the children didn't tell you to bring them to the world, so by bringing them here you must have been ready, physically, spiritually, financially and emotionally.

Now to the child that is stubborn and has refused to be responsible to himself and the parent, I believe that the is a reason for everything that happens, nothing is happening just for a happening sake the is always a reasonable or unreasonable reason for actions, calling your child to talk to him and make sure that you set an atmosphere that enables him or her to open up things to you, the are ways of doing these things.
Another way to find out why the child is misbehaving is you as parents to check back on when you were also kids, sometimes lifestyles are not imported from outside, every character we see today are al the product of the parents, so you are the major supply of your child's behavior, because of the gene that runs in the child.
Gene is the theoretical unit of hereditary of living organisms.
Having this knowledge will help you know how to approach a bad behavior of your child.

Should we blame the parents or the child for a bad behavior of our children? I will say that neither the child or the parent should be blame, I strongly believe that all parents wants the best from their children no matter what it may be.
Creating a balance is key,and mutual understanding is mandatory in any family sometimes all what the need that love.

Thanks for reading through my blog
I'm @sylvasticks

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