
Wow!!, thank you very much, that was such a kind gesture from you, I did notice that I was unable to comment before as well.

sorry please, is there any other way to get verified as I am not really conversant with the usage of discord, do I write my verification post, or what am I to do exactly.

Thank you so much.

 3 years ago  

@negro-girl, discord is the only way to get verified. It's easy once you follow the instructions. I just got verified myself.

Steps to follow

  • download the discord app
  • come to back to this post on hive and check for this on the post

Remember to join the SMILE and Hive Learners Discord Servers

  • click on the hive learners discord servers, you automatically get redirected to discord

  • follow the instructions provided, you can also check the previous examples on the #intro-verification post others have made as a guideline.

  • make sure you follow all the instructions clearly, this will get you verified

  • come back to the post again and click the SMILE, you get directed to their discord server, and you follow the instructions

I wish you good luck on your application

Oh, okay I guess I will just have to try my best then, thanks, dear friend.

 3 years ago  

Am happy to be of help. Do have a nice day!

Hi @negro-girl, How are you doing? Going through the entries and found that you have not verified your account on Hive learners yet.

Hope all is well? are you facing any issues getting yourself verified?

I'm doing good thank you.

I lodge the complained that I don't know how to work around with the discord server.

Pls, is there any other way to get Verified?

do you have a discord application already installed on your mobile device?