I must say, with how free it is to register and earn from Hive, people still take it for granted and don't see it as something that worth their efforts. I have brought in over 150 people on Hive, and I have come to notice that over half of them do not take Hive seriously, which is why I change my methods of onboarding overtime, and even more strict at it.

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I get really pissed when someone who I bring to Hive after spending time mentoring, spilling out rules, and given so much guidance, later comes back telling me they lost their keys or having issues with Hive Watchers. I get really annoyed knowing the fact that I give so much of my personal time to them, even more than the time I give to myself which make me lack the vibes regarding content creation; I get burned out when I come to my create post section trying to make something but my brains just seems to want me to lie down and rest off.

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So due to the way I feel I chose to create this post why people do not take Hive seriously. I know these reasons varies to different people and situations but here and my personal thoughts on this matter. You can share your thoughts too as well.
Yeah that's the first reason why people would not take Hive seriously because they came in here for free. It might sound weird to you but truth is if you paid for something, you would want to stay still you get what you paid for back. So people would think, if I leave then I have nothing to lose and they end up rendering the account useless.

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Why this is also true is, some months ago, I met up with random people in my school and preached to them the world of Hive. Many people didn't take it seriously, in fact of all the people I met with, it was only one person who decided to join Hive and that was like months after I told him about Hive.
Now let me guess your question, Why did he take so long before he could join Hive?

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I thought about this question too, and I asked him; What was the reason why he didn't join Hive the first time I told him about it?... He said because the registration is free, and nothing else is needed was what put him off. He only chose to give it a try when he later thought he had nothing to lose if he tried.

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Now let me guess your next question, is he still active on Hive? No he isn't active on Hive, and the reason is the next on the list below!

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I took a look at his profile and I noticed that he was not ready to put in the effort into engaging, building relationships and gaining visibility. As I mentioned in details and explained in one of my previous post, the advantage of putting in to this effort, then you should imagine how much emphasis I would have made this to someone who I personally brought into Hive.

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I have thought of this so hard, why are people not ready to put in the effort even when it is clear that this is what they need to do for an easier Hive experience and I came to the conclusion that this.
The thoughts of having Hive alone as a get rich quick scheme is enough to make you unserious and really discouraged on Hive. That thought would give someone the notion that effort are not needed to get the rewards, and may just drop a post and then poof; disappears then magic rewards drops from heaven on the posts.

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I hate to break this to you, but Hive is not free money. It requires more than just quality contents. You can read this post here to know what more it requires of you.
I totally understand this thoughts and how it can be depending on the country you are from. From a country like the US, where cost of living is quite expensive, the rewards from Hive might not be enough to help in anything but yet, it is far better than custom social media.

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I don't want to dwell on this too much but yet, Hive has offers you other opportunity asides the posts rewards; just like building genuine relationships and other means of investing and earning.
Truth is the relationships you build on Hive can go further than just Hive. Why is that so?

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The World is so small and we can meet someone we know on Hive in real life and they may be helpful in our personal life. In fact, Hive has proven to be of great help to the outside world itself. We have the borehole project which Hive helped to solve for a small village in Ghana.
But looking at another point of view for a Country like mine where the cost of living is far less expensive and the country's currency is far low, the earning made on Hive is easier to make a living on it but yet, we still have a lot of people who feels the rewards are not worth the efforts. and why is that 👇
I am not going to dwell much on this because I have written a lot and talked why this is so. but for someone who comes in and don't get traction on their post would get discouraged, would not see any reason to take it serious and would end up giving up.

It is quite painful and deep inside I know that feeling because I myself, have tasted it before. I had been discouraged and had so many thoughts of giving up, thought of living and moving up, thoughts of finding something else but I am grateful to be here and where I am.
This brings to the question, what brings these discouragement? What is the ground root of these hardship? 👇
This is another reason why a person on Hive can be discouraged and not take Hive seriously because the Harder they try, the harder they lose drive because they don't know the right way to things and have nobody to be accountable to.

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Having a Guardian, accountability Partner, Mentor or whatever you can call it helps to keep one consistent, helps to cut out unnecessarily stress and experiences.
A more experienced User would have a better understanding on a better way to do things instead of repeatedly doing what you things is best for yourself which may later cause bad experience or stress to the user.

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These are one of the reasons I came up with the Newbies Initiative, and it has far been helpful to some amount of people and with the support of Hive learners, @eddiespino i.e. @aliento, it has been able to do more than my imagination.
Starstrings01 AKA Giftedhands is a Hive lover, a Nigeria musician (Guitarist) and also a student who studies Mechatronics Engineering in the Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta.
hereHis goal on Hive is to be more than a regular blogger but something more; someone with a purpose. That’s one of the reasons why he founded the newbies initiative @newbies-hive to help guide and support newbies. Kindly click to follow @newbies-hive curation trail.
He battles and struggles with balancing education and being active on the chain but yet his love and passion for Hive keeps him on balance.
People don't take it seriously because DPOS is a fundamentally broken consensus model and only leads to centralization, while centralization is not a bad thing per say, it's the marketing of it is disingenuous. We've seen how the blockchain immutability has come into question before, with forks and freezing of funds.
In addition, it's been proven that people DON"T care about their data, they don't want immutability they just want to use a free product when communicating online. That's why something like locals, truth social, rumble, and gab have found niches that work for them where hive hasn't got a niche that people care about
The token system is also one that always favours the premined token holders, you working for something they just allocated to themselves and then acquire stake, through having held the token, that;s offputting to people.
I would also say it's not great for privacy, not everyone wants to attach their monetary value to an online profile and would like to keep money and their online presence separate
Yeah this is true. Not everybody wants this, not everyone can do this.. I think you are right about this case.
Ómo, the main problem is that they think it's a get rich quick scheme...I've had friends show interest when they noticed I was getting returns. I always do well to tell them that it's not as easy as it looks and try to explain how it works..some got frustrated and stopped showing interest. I've onboarded only 2 so far and only one is active...I'm not ready to go through that stress again unless it's someone serious.
It really gets discouraging sometimes I'm being honest, and most times it's because most people try to leave off hive forgetting that upvotes sent guaranteed..it's normal to lose hope when you don't get any upvotes but then look back at the good ones you got before and let it motive you, that's what I always tell my friend. It works well for me.
I'm glad that I'm here, I've learnt a lot more in a short time more than I could have without Hive... I know it's going to get really better soon..so it's back to steady grinding.
Great post ❤️
That is why I do put too much focus on the fact that rewards is sure, I try to mention everything they need to know to get the rewards and let them know they should not expect it at the beginning as they would need to work on their visibility and relationships with people but surely, they would see it in the long run.
Thanks for your comment. It is well appreciated.
Guess they're clouded by impatience..ómo, they don't just know it's something they'll gain from in the long run.
I'm glad I got your reply too bro ❤️❤️
When some people hear something like they can make a lot of money quickly, they pay more attention. It just takes some time when they realize make a lot of money quickly may get them rekt quickly (if you are lucky enough, you might save yourself before being rekt). Then the way they see things change.
Now when they hear something like you can make money, but it takes time and effort, they will pay more attention and take that seriously. It's because this is something real and makes an impact in life.
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I have come to an understanding that a lot of people do not have patience, they may want to work, but the effort but the patience is just never there and I really do not understand why?
That's why after one or two month and they come up with excuse of lost key or being busy with something else
Everyone just has to be patience with growth on hive, put in the work and wait..that is one thing reading peoples “starting on hive story” has taught me.
Thank you @starstrings01 for your amazing posts, they are always an eye opener and somehow it has helped refocus my goal. Thank you
Good evening my brother. I joined Hive about two months ago but ever since I posted my introductory post and a follow up post the next day, I couldn't do it again because I had no mentor. If I remember quite well, you're the newbies initiative guy right? Well, by the time I joined and requested to be a member of the initiative program unfortunately it was already full so I couldn't do anything else. I can't just wander without direction. It's a blessing I came across this post of yours. I am a Nigerian too and please if there's anyway you can help me get more familiar here, I'd appreciate it. I don't mind getting linked up with one of your boys.
Hello @starstrings01 ...the reasons you gave made total sense to me. I joined hive not too long ago and I've made some posts in different communities. The votes on my intro post were encouraging and it kinda raised my expectations for all other posts I've made so far so imagine my disappointment. I know I make quality posts, at least I try to but I feel there's something I'm doing wrong somehow. I've read your post on engaging and stuff and I try to do that but still. I know how discouraged I feel when I put a lot of effort into a post and it doesn't get any votes. I read about your early struggles on hive too and looking at it I have a more favorable start than you did. If you didn't give up despite that I don't want to either cuz this platform may just change my life and that is exactly what I want. I have an accountability partner, sort of, and he's been of great help so far but we both think there's something we are doing wrong somewhere. I know it may be too much to ask but any help I can get would be very appreciated 😊.
I am happy that I am an inspiration for you not to give up.. is good that you have an accountability partner, that would help you from loosing focus and consistency.
Soon I would be starting a Bi-weekly series for newbies. Focusing on checking out their accounts and what they need to improve on..
You should check out hive Learners community if you aren't a member yet... The community helps a lot of newbies.
Thank you!!😊
Let me use myself to contribute to your post. When I joined hive, I had the get rich quick mentality. Now I did post for some days and lost interest because I didn't have the strength so to say to keep up with writing everyday. Coupled with the fact that I wasn't even getting the rewards as I thought I should get. I left for over a month and came back again. Now this time, I came back with the motive of really understanding what the blockchain is really about and how to build myself without putting so much pressure on myself like I did before. So to achieve this, I started moving slow and steady and is it paying? well I will say yes. I have made some really good friends and now I am moving at my own pace.
Another thing I did also was to create a competition in my head. For instance, I would come to your page, and see how much upvote you have gotten and then start trying to run in a competition with you. I didn't even think that you had been in the system long ago and what you are benefitting now is as a result of the hardworking you had put in for a long time. Just like they say
that Rome was not built in a day.
I could go on and on. But the first thing I think is important is the mindset. Whatever mindset you use to start hive, will either make you grow or drop at the end of the day.
Thank you @starstrings01 for another wonderful content.
Hmm, this is so true. Your mindset has a way it affects you on hive. That's why having a good person to onboardb someone to hive is important because they would set the mindset straight before bringing them in.
One thing that affect is not putting much work just as you mentioned and clearly it because registering is free.
I tell people hard work is not just about reading books to pass in exam it about putting extra work to whatever you do and nobody said it will surface immediately it takes time but one thing that is sure is it eventually pays to be hard working
For the fact it a free platform people neglect putting hard work and this find one way to stagnation obviously when you don't put extra work to what you do there's no assurance of moving forward.
Hmmm.. that's true.. if you don't put in extra work then stagnation occurs. You are really right. A friend made a post similar to this yesterday... Thanks for your input.
I tried onboarding people at the start but things never really worked out for most of the reasons you said above. This is why I think moving from a model where money is the key factor to a model where people come for the applications is better. If they came for Project Blank, would they care too much about the money? Probably not as much.
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Yeah true, but the thing is project blank would have to do a lot of marketing and advertisement to get people on board. I am really anticipating to see how project blank is going to be. Thanks so much for engaging..
One of my friends I was preaching to about hive asked me how much she should be expecting monthly and I told her that it doesn't work that way, that she needs to build her account first and start putting effort, then reward will follow gradually. She smiled and said that she can show me links I can only by clicking and be earning in 💰dollars but my answer was a big no! That's get rich quick kinda something..
The above reasons you listed are good points, let me add that some people combine their office jobs or business with Hive and they give major attention to their job probably because of the good pay they get from it thereby earning a very little reward on hive due to the less effort they give to the blockchain, and that can make them not to take it seriously.
I understand that not everyone can multitask. However, some people still combine their job and still hive consistently.
Links and clicking and earning in dollars 😅🤣... These are what Nigerians are used to..
Yeah you are right, people have their traditional jobs where they earn better. That's really understandable.. I also looking for another means of earning outside hive and not being focused on my rewards on Hive instead use what I earn outside to build my Hive earnings.
I believe this is the best way to grow your account and enjoy the opportunity hive has to offer.
Wow, there is oil in your head🤭👌
Another reason is that they are trying many different platforms at once, and perhaps another will give better results initially, perhaps a dollar a day. But in the long term, they would do much better on Hive.
This post has been upvoted by the VYB Curation Project
Yeah Hive helps in the long run oh, it's just that not many are consistent because they are intro different things at the same time.
You know it is hard to focus on something your are new to when you have many other things you do at the same time. I
Yes, it's just a matter of priorities and time management... Without having a solid plan and the belief that what you are doing is worthwhile, eventually you will begin to lose motivation, unless you are also doing it for fun.
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Since I came on hive, your posts have been so helpful to me. I am still not clear about alot of things to be very honest. I know how it feels when you put lots of effort in your work and the results is not what you expect. Like I had lots of upvotes on my introductory post, I was so happy and hyped, I posted a second post and it got very little engagement. I have been discouraged😔. I want to ask, please can I be part of your mentees? I need a mentor and accountability partner. I will not disappoint you I promise.
Yeah I saw your introductory post, and saw it didn't get much rewards at first and I helped you curate it... I know how it feels when your intro post doesn't go well, I didn't get up $1 on my intro post, it was around $0. My bad that I didn't leave you a welcome comment on that post either.
An accountability partner is someone who is almost the same level as you are and who is there to share thoughts and opportunities with you while trying to help each other to keep consistency.
Having me as a mentor is not bad, but you know I can't always be there but feel free to reach me on discord: starstrings01#8020, I would answer your questions if I am free. Try also to be more engaged with me on hive so I can check out your profile sometimes.
Be sure to join the next newbies initiative program. It promise to be educative and helpful even though I don't have enough power to support you all.
Thank you so much,I really appreciate. You’re really an asset to the hive community. I will text when I have a question.
All these are valid reasons
I often just break down when people don't take I've seriously after all my effort.
I have learnt to overcome the urge to push people too much because that way I ll be loosing my own energy and time.
But for the serious once I m really grateful they are doing well.
I m also a product of your initiative on hive and I m glad I m better of.
Mentorship is highly needed.
I m mentoring a few guys as well and it can be a lot of work. I must say.
I should probably be sterner.
Hive is a business and I have to take it as that.
Yeah Hive is a business, while mentorship is a lot of work when you have a lot of people on hand.
Hive has taught me to be patient with people, and give them time. I also reciprocate energy as well. You give me a lot of positive energy then I have you much more in mind. That's how I do..
This is fact.
Another thing that helps, is I choose people who I know can do what I show them showing other. That way I can replicate myself and I look out for their progenies too.
Mentorship has to be like a chain system. If I m doing a lot to show you for free, it's not too much to ask that you show another person.
Doesn’t crunch in your hand, it’s hard to slobber when you count, you can’t hide it in a nightstand)
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I have no idea what this means
People are accustomed to material things, to what they can feel, taste, and so on. They need time to understand the value of the virtual Hive.
Hmmm.. yeah, they really do need time in being to know Hive.
That get rich quick scheme is one very big reason. Some take HIVE as a pool of richness that you can just achieve a bucket into and gain, just like that. They fail to understand that, even as you get rewarded for your work, you actually have to put in that work.
Then speaking of putting in the work, they misunderstand that it cannot always be rosy. Especially when you're just starting out with something, one should never raise expectations above the roof. One may be lucky hit big once in a while, but it must always be remembered that it may not always be like that.
Consistency is key to rising. And consistency itself is often misunderstood passing time. You don't just feel that as long as you're doing something, at least, you consider it to being consistent. You have to put in your best as often as you can.
Then the fact that it's even free, really makes some people believe that they can treat it in any way.
I can totally understand how discouraging it can be to have put in so much work to help a person up, and for the person to not be fruitful.
Thanks for sharing!
I like the fact that you have come to understand a lot in a short while.. shows that my efforts are not wasted... True, not everytime things can be rosy. In life everyone has their highs and lows but let's keep struggling and keep consistency. It pays in the long run!
I previously spoke with some friends in Ghana about how the hive blockchain would take on a new face and value when individuals pay for account creation. On the other hand, it will enable many individuals to join after they complete the registration procedure without paying a price. I recognise that, although we are assisting in the integration of the masses into the ecosystem, it is also critical to have mechanisms in place to help members appreciate the need to be serious about the hive ecosystem. You are correct, and thank you for sharing.
Yeah true this is needed. I know how tough this can be for newbies that's why I try my best to contribute in making the journey easier for Newbies.
I've seen authors put in brilliant efforts on their posts with little or no reward while I've seen authors make post hardly up to a 100 word count getting heavier upvotes on their post. This in most cases can be discouraging for such an engaging newbie.
You made good illustrations and it's quite educative though in some cases the situations might be different. Some authors are fortunate to receive measurable support from curators while some might not be fortunate but in some cases this might not mean that they're not making quality contents or engaging as well. For such a person, what might come to mind is to leave the platform.
It's normal for a newbie actually, that's why I mentioned in one of my posts that the first goal of a newbie is to build awareness and visibility. If they do this consistently, everything would get easier and less tough.
That's a brilliant way out too @starstrings01. Awareness is a key.
The hive platform is very challenging, wanting you to run out of your comfort zone and it seems very hard when you have no one to help you out. I have thought of stopping because the content I am posting is nothing compared to others and I haven't found any way to improve it.
I just couldn't give up because the account was opened for free and any amount I make per post is what I deserve for now,I believe if I work on my reputation even though it might take me sometime,I will get there soon
Yeah, you would get there. Good that you see the account is opened for free and yet you can still make something from it.
The WhatsApp meetings you can always shoot your questions, if I am there I would answer them or @obaro would.
Thanks boss🤭
Funny thing is that the people who brought me to hive are nowhere to be found today, not like they have better stuff going on they just wouldn’t. And here I am all day everyday. It’s crazy. Nice post bro. I hope people can learn.
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Thanks man... You are one of those guys I look up to here on Hive and my drive to my consistency. I want to be like you when I grow up boss.
People don't take Hive seriously because they lack guidance, motivation and ideas.
Just imagine a newbie that thought he or she has something to offer before joining hive and after his or her introduction post and other two post got a huge support from the platform they will tend to try again and again but if after their third post and they got little or nothing they tend to loss interest in it.
Also if that same thing happen to someone who has someone to motivate him or her they will tend to look it from the aspect that nothing good comes easy, so mentorship like you mentioned is key to helping people strive on hive.
But for me the main reason I see why people don't take Hive seriously is because of their mindset towards hive. As you have rightly stated some of the minds of users as to why they don't take Hive seriously.
The only remedy to this kind of problem lies in their hands, we can tell people about hive but we can't tell how far they will go all we can do is to encourage the ones that we are close to.
Another reason I see why people lose interest in Hive is because they have this mind of always succeeding in whatever they do so when they lose, they tend to loose interest in it. It's not bad to love winning but always know that if you've never lost before you won't know the value of winning.
This is a really great write-up, I'm happy for the newbies initiative you initiated, you won't really regret onboarding people on hive because you've really helped a lot of persons here on Hive and fortunately for me I'm part of them. Thank you so much dear🥰🥰.
Hmm.. if you never lost, you would not appreciate the value of winning..
That's so true. But the thing is people should understand that the beginning of a skill is always not easy, and always a gradual learning process.
So when entering into a new thing, cancel the idea of everything going well at that instance and put your mind to face for the worst.
The main reason why people don't take hive seriously is the get rich quick scheme thinking or the fact that they have a lot of options outside hive.
I agree with the get rich quick scheme, some people think hive is a place where you just enter today and Tomorrow you are making millions of Naira without knowing you work hard to achieve it.
Also on Hive earnings one hive is not up to one dollar, some countries money is far more than the earnings so they feel reluctant in working hard.
My little opinion dear.
Hmmm for now, hive is not up to a dollar but in soon time to come, hive would worth way more than that.
Yeah we hope so
Am a newbie and really overwhelmed to met with the person that came up with @newbie initiative, I would really need your favour in that wonderful community.
I've also thought of Hive sign up being free... That feature is a reason, people would think twice before deciding to show less efforts on their posts or leaving their account to die off.
The get rich quick is the major one though, I'm just thankful I didn't get that mentality when I first joined Hive... It's been going well with that mindset.
I guess the Hive sign up should be giving out to who really shows interest after letting them know its not easy to work on the platform.
It's better they think its always hard than to think it's easy sometimes and they expect too much.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Lol that's the truth.. if they paid for the account, it would hold them from leaving. Also the rich quick mentality, that one depends on the person who brings them to hive.
Is this the normal process during the 3 day’s waiting period, because the hive was subtracted from my account totally, even my hive balance dropped. Will the hive still return back to my wallet after 3 days. I’m scared 🥺
Currently in the hive savings, it is telling me zero hives.Hello @starstrings01 this is a great observation. I also have a complaint. it is bothering me so much. I transfered 10 hives from my hive savings to my normhive wallet and this is my first time of doing this, I saw what they said about 3 day’s waiting period. My major problem is when I transfered the hive from my hive savings, the 10 hives totally disappeared from my account.
Yeah it is going to be added back to your wallet... That's the normal process
I want to get better on hive. I am ready to put in all that is needed to be better. All I need is a tutor.@starstrings01 thank you very much for this. I really want you to mentor me. I am a 400lv pharmacy student (Unn).
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Check out the last post from @hivebuzz:
We all want to get rich quick but things never work that way, but this Truth is hard to accept, we rather continue looking for other rich quick schemes and end up wasting the time we have to build and create Value and relationships that will help us in the future...
It takes patience, determination and good mentors to achieve anything worthwhile in life.
Thanks 💙💙💙
In addition to your points, it's just the sense of looking down on the abilities hive has gotten. For God's sake people now make a living working full-time on the internet. If you take hive as a hustle that truly rewards you, then you have no much excuse as to your inaction. It's like sitting back at home and not going to your place of work.
People still see working online as one difficult task to do. Yet, it so easy for them to navigate through social media viewing reels and status, and all other sort of things. They spend ample time doing these things. That same time and data you use to do those things is same thing that is required to engage yourself on hive which rewards you in turn.
But nah, they underrate the hive chain greatly even after been aware of the potentials and opportunities that hive has gotten for them.
Your points outlined are absolutely right..
Yeah I saw your discord message, didn't know I did not reply. That's what happens when you get lots of messages while having a lot of other things in your plate..
Yeah I would randomly select one of your post today for curation.
So about your comment, one should have this in thoughts that we all started fit a reason, let that reason drive us to achieve our goals because if we stop now, our dreams would never be fulfilled..