Should the Past Define the Future?

in Hive Learners2 months ago (edited)

When a child is born, the child is born into the shadow of his or her parent's mistakes, not just carrying the weight of the crimes they might have committed but also inheriting benefits that comes from them, but then, punishing their children for the wrongs their parents committed, is it truly fair and does it really bring upon the justice we so much crave?

This question of whether a child should be punished for the sins of their parents raises a strong ethical debate and this is because there are valid points from both perspectives why we should go with whatever place you take stance with, however, one of the greatest burden anyone can carry is the burden of revenge. The sad reality is that when it's gotten, it rarely fills the void of what has been lost and this is what happens with punishment.
Punishing the sons and daughters of parents who did wrongs doesn't in anyway correct the wrongs their parents did, rather achieves almost nothing by punishing the children for crimes they did not commit.

Imagine a man somewhere in the village constantly plotting evil killing many of his kinsmen to take all the lands to himself and children when they are of age.
The children gets of age and takes over the land which takes away the burden of buying lands, but rather, investing in just developing the lands and making millions out of it, whereas, the sons and daughters of the actual owners of the lands still struggle to eat thrive a day and make ends meet, living from hand to mouth.


At first glance, Don't you think the sons of this man should suffer immensely for what their dad did which they are enjoying today?

But retrospectively thinking, where the sons and daughters there when their dad did all he did for their "own good"?
Did they in any way support their dad to commit all those atrocities?

So don't you think they should be relieved of the sufferings that comes with this atrocious acts their father did?
What Goes Around Comes Around They Say.....

Why I Think Children Shouldn't Be Punished.

Come to think of it, do children have the right to choose their family or their kinsmen?
Absolutely not! Children are given birth to in families which is beyond their control and furthermore lack the power to choose who their parents would be which automatically makes them fit to inherit both the good and bad without getting to choose them also.
Since they didn't make those choices,I think it is unfair to punish them for that.

That aside, don't you think parents who committed a crime should be punished for a crime he commited.
It makes it a joke coming to the law court to hear a case where the defendant isn't the one who committed a crime but because his dad commited the crime without his knowledge, he is facing trials to receive punishment for what he didn't do.... To me, it not only fuels injustice but makes the legal system a joke.

Additionally, choosing to punish children for the sins of their parents only causes more harm to the family and children as a whole. Punishing them chains them the more making it more difficult to break free from the shadows of their parents atrocities and unable to rise above the circumstances of their birth which wasn't in anyway their fault.

In summary, I don't really think it's a good idea suffering for sins you weren't even there when they were committed, however, conscious effort should be made by children whose parents committed these atrocities to right the wrongs when you get wind of it and they are capable of doing that; not out of obligation but as a matter of integrity and fairness.
Or do you really suggest we are truly ready to punish the innocent for the actions of those who came before them?

What are your thoughts?

Thanks for reading and have a nice day 👍

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 2 months ago  

It's unfair for children to share the consequences of their parent's bad decisions. Take, for instance, the man you mentioned who kills his kinsmen to claim land for his family. In this situation, it seems wrong to make the children suffer for what their father did, especially considering that they may not have even been born when the crime occurred. It's not their fault that their father made such choices, and therefore, they should not be held accountable for his actions or share in the punishment. The children should not inherit the consequences of their parent's wrongdoings.

 2 months ago  

For real, it's just so so bad for real.
No one deserves to suffer for what he or she doesn't know about

 2 months ago  

Thank you so much