Life is very beautiful if we can optimize and run everything in a good and wise way, there are many good things we can do in our daily life, and to do good it doesn't need to be direct in a big way, start with the smallest way first and make it a habit until it becomes a routine that we will always apply in our lives.

Such as feeding one or two children who are around where we live, or by giving change to beggars who approach us every time we are hanging out at coffee shops, or even providing our services to charities in our area, such as helping cleaning the environment that is used for the public to become a humanitarian volunteer in various natural disasters.
Every action that we take in the future is directly proportional to what we are doing right now, if at this time we help others, maybe in the future we will be the ones who will be helped by others, as the saying goes, "What we sow we will reap"
I am new to hive, and even in the Hive Learners community, I am a newcomer, with all the limitations that I have and very little time that makes me not very active to post, one of the most classic reasons is because I don't know where to start, now I'm trying to interact with all my friends here, I hope that my arrival here can be accepted and can provide something positive for us to share with each other, as a newcomer to this community I really hope to get guidance to be able to improve everything in order to be able to be one part that can be considered by the curator here.
Maybe that's all for this time, as an opening greeting from me to all friends in this community, Greetings of love from me to friends of Hive Learners, and have a nice day.