Understanding the Nuances of Cancel Culture Exploring its Impacts and Controversies

in Hive Learners10 months ago (edited)

Culture is a broad concept. which refers to the totality of a society or community's way of life, beliefs, customs, values, behavior, and artistic expression. In our society there are different kinds of talk about this. A type of festival has many customs in each social system. Regarding this cultural issue. It encompasses many aspects of human life and is passed down from generation to generation. Different types of rules are issued in each society management. Or the people of different countries are celebrating different festivals in the beautiful world by maintaining different cultural civilizations in each religion. There are various types of festivals in our beautiful world. We can consider them as cultural festivals. But nowadays many people do not consider these festivals as their own. Or they don't want to think that there are many reasons behind it. Many people are showing many types of reasons or arguments. I will express my opinion on the matter, hoping that I can present it to you in a good way from my own personal knowledge.


People's beliefs and values ​​that influence their lifestyle and behavior. There are many things related to society with people's beliefs and cultural festivals. You can combine many things, but people can make many decisions by only using their will power and their own intelligence, but the main reason for the beliefs and cultural festivals in our world is people. Observing that people before them have observed those festivals, people are observing them. I believe that you have to create a cultural event in which religion and cultural civilization combine everything, that a beautiful civilization will be created, that a beautiful thing will be created. I'm all for keeping up, so today I'll try to talk to you about civility and cultural pros and cons, I hope you like it.

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I have tried to give a complete description of the main elements of culture that are present in our society today.

Beliefs and valuescustoms and traditionsthe language
Art and Literaturefood and clothingEducation and knowledgeLaw and ethics

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The things I have shared with you above. Those issues I have seen in my country and in my society are much debated and many decisions are made. On these issues, there are religious issues and state issues and social issues. But I am trying to provide a complete information based on my own opinion and everything. If anyone gets hurt here, please see that culture creates the overall identity of a society. And it is constantly changing, especially under the influence of technology, communication and immigration. It establishes a complex relationship between the individual and society, which serves as the basis for social cohesion and progress.


Abolition of culture is a controversial topic, and there are different opinions for and against it. In our society, there are many kinds of debates about this issue. Many times it is seen that many kinds of bloodshed have been seen in fights over this issue. In our society and in our state, various types of thinking are creating mentality on this matter. Trying to share a complete information about it below.

My opinion in favor of canceling culture

Accountability I think is very important to those who believe that culture can bring a lot of good to a society. If they want to make any decisions in the future, you will be prepared to say something nice to be accountable to them so that you don't face any kind of problems. It can act as a quick response against social injustice.

Support for the victim Support from those who have experienced these problems must be received so that these cultural problems can be solved. I think it can be a way to protect victims and acknowledge their experiences, but our society today seems to have mixed opinions on this issue..

It may be possible to remove these superstitions or cultural festivals from our society through social change but many of our people are giving different opinions on this matter but I am trying to argue against it. This is how you can create a socio-cultural way to stop doing it. It can act as a means of changing social norms and values, which brings about progressive change.

My opinion against cancellation of culture

People make many decisions through ruthlessness and unilateral judgement. Cultural events hold many ancient traditions of a state and a society. As a single decision I think it can often be violent and one-sided, with little opportunity for the accused to defend himself.

Taking away the language of some people through fear and repression which will not bring any good for running a state or for a society when a person cannot speak his/her own freely it will not be able to talk about cultural events. In fact, much too much conspiracies for a country, for a society, can create an atmosphere of fear, where people may be restrained from expressing their opinions.

Counter-productive Many people are expressing different opinions on this subject. It would be possible to live in a beautiful world today because of social media people are learning a lot of wrong ideas that are not really logical in any way.

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In my opinion, culture cancellation is a complex issue. If you want to talk about this issue, you have to talk about various things. It one party will agree to cancel the other party will not agree. Various types of conflicts will be seen to solve this issue. Because each of us has different knowledge and intelligence, each person's thinking power is different. This is not an easy solution and may not always be effective or fair. Various initiatives can be taken to solve this problem. But it is going through a pattern year after year. So there is nothing you can easily fix to solve it. You must take such steps to fix it easily. The steps you can take to resolve it are a reflection of society, where there are disagreements about power, justice, and proper use. It is important that we are sensitive and considerate in this context, so that we can truly establish fairness and equity.


Thank you all for your valuable time reading my blog

 10 months ago  

Our Culture provides us an easy way of living life. Although there are some religious cultures that create spaces in people's minds. We should respect cultural events. In this era, people easily crashed into someone's culture's customs that is hateful.