NEWBIE TASK 1: My Next Three Months Hive Goals

in Hive Learnerslast year (edited)


I want to sincerely appreciate God Almighty for counting me among those that was selected as one of the participants for the ongoing newbies initiative and my profound gratitude to our facilitators and team leaders. The initiative was launched with a important teaching on goal setting by @starstrings01. He brought to light how one can thrive on hive and the first thing I learnt from the initiative is how to set an achievable goal. It is a common thing among people to set goal but many fail to keep track of their goals. Take home for me from the teaching are:

  • Identify your long term goals.
  • Break them down into short term goals.
  • Develop steps to achieve each goal.
  • Write your daily goal to be achieved everyday as you wake up in the morning.
  • Monitor your progress.
  • Celebrate every little achievement.
    The part that stood out for me from the teaching is the importance of writing out goals daily. I have been setting goals over the years but within days I would have forgotten about them, the teaching made me realized my mistakes overtime. Taking the pain of writing out our goals each day and keeping track of our activities to align with it will enhance goal achievement.
    After the teaching, I connected with a friend @aunty-tosin who shared more on the topic. She said she believed that goal setting is an intentional laid down plans to be achieved within a certain period of time and her contribution after reading the article and joining the meeting is that there is no actual growth without a clear laid out plan that is set intentionally. Your goal gives you a drive to success. I am grateful the initiative has given me an opportunity to meet such a brilliant lady.
    My contribution to our discussion was that goal setting is an act of putting ones desired future achievement into writing and planning and we should try not to give up even when it doesn't look like the goals are achievable. With time and hardwork we will surely make it happen.


my short term goal for the next three months is to have 80Hp. I joined hive 26th of August and my hive power presently is approximately 27 and with a minimum of three posts a week by the end of three month I will have 80Hp. Also,by the end of the next three month I want to have 100 followers. At the moment, I have 31 followers.


To build my followers, I will ensure I connect with more people, be active in the communities I belong to and participate in weekly contest.
I know there are challenges that might come up along the way, I am not giving up, I will keep thriving. I don't have bulky goals yet because I know I have alot to learn on hive and I am ready to let things happen in its accord. I will like to appreciate @vickoly and my team leaders @justfavour for their support.
NOTE: all images are mine.
Thanks for reading my post.


This is an impressive target you have set for yourself.

I wish you luck and success on your journey towards achieving it.👍👍

 last year  

Hello there, @seunnara nice Canva image. First off, don’t you think you can achieve more than 80HP in three months?

Also, what are the things you think can stop you from achieving your goals?

I don't know yet but I have set a target which I must reach and I can still exceed. That 80 is the minimum point for me.
Lack of commitment is a something I think can hinder one's goal. Thanks for stopping by.