Stay Informed on Current News but Remain Vigilant of Misinformation

in Hive Learners2 days ago
Original Image Source: maquanxia722 - Pxhere

Staying informed about the things and events that are currently happening around us and all over the world gives us better understanding about different topics that can pick our interest and brings awareness about different issues that may affect not only our lives but also the people around us. That is why it is necessary for us to have an easy access to information and one way for us to stay informed is through news reports which lays out a brief but detailed summary of the current events around us and brings us this information through different outlets such as Radio or Television. That said, it is important for us to remain skeptical about on the information that we get on the news we consume as it can be prone to propaganda and misinformation.

Usually, I mainly use social media to access the news and earlier, I say listen since most of the time, I will just let it playing in the background while I was doing other stuff such as when I am writing my blogs in order to maximize the use of my time. Also, despite the news being broadcast multiple times a day, I mostly listens on the evening news since all the important news that have been covered on earlier news broadcast will still be covered within the evening broadcast so it will just be redundant to watch all of them. Some exceptions though would be about the weather broadcast which is part of the morning news specially during the rainy season where I need to figure out if I can go to work or not. In this case, I will just play the weather news and skip the rest. I would also occasionally listen on some foreign news to be informed about the rest of the world such as the upcoming US election as being the most powerful nation in the world, its outcome could affect the rest of the world.
Original Image Source: Mohamed Hassan - Pxhere

On the other hand though, while news ports are constructed really well and was very detailed, we should always think skeptically about the information that we consume from the news as no matter how well made the news is delivered, all the people that was involved in investigating it are not perfect and can be as susceptible to mistake like the rest of us and there will always be a chance that the news station will have biased views about a certain news which may be based on whatever political or religious views they lean into. There is also a chance that people will deliberately delivered incorrect news as a means of propaganda in favor of prestigious people, corporations and even the government or if not, they will use their power and wealth in order to prevent some information on being leaked. An example of this are the propaganda news attempting to depict North Korea as a wonderful country while trying its hardest effort to suppress that would reveal the atrocious acts it does to its citizens to the point that it would even close all of its borders.

On such case that I was unsure about the validity of the news, I usually would try to find other sources, tackling on the same news and I also look on sources that do not take any kinds of advertisement and runs with the support of its audience as they are less likely to get bribed to suppress the news. If the news is about surveys or statistics fact-checking can be way easier to verify its validity of the info by checking data that the source used.

Thank you for reading my post and see you on the next one!

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All unsourced image on this post belongs to me.

 2 days ago  

Most news are rumors, they will not give us direct information and this can ruin the development of the country.


It's not that they are rumors, some news got facts mixed with some lies while some removes removes vital information or take it out of context.