A World Where Family Can Only Have One Car

in Hive Learners2 months ago


Source: Tim Mossholder- Pexels

Cars have become one of the most common means of transportation all around the world as it can travel hundreds of miles without tired even when it was fully occupied so long as it has enough fuel to make it run until its destination. It can be quite pricy but as long as a person has the money, they can buy all the cars that they want that is why it is not shocking for a single family to have multiple cars. There were even times that we see each of the family members to have a car of their own even if one car is more than enough to fit all of them. I guess that's the privilege of the wealthy but what if there is a parallel world where a family can only own one car? Will that world be better than the world we have here and are there possible to that. Those were the questions in my mind that I want to answer in this post.


Dealing with traffic is always a part of my daily routine.

One of the big drawback of using a car is that the fuel it use causes carbon emission that pollutes the air which not only detrimental in the environment but also for our health so there is no arguing that the idea of limiting the number of cars on the streets will result for the benefit of everyone. But even if we set aside that drawback, there are still many problems of having multiple cars one of which is the traffic congestion that resulted to slower travel time, particularly on big cities and with slower travel time can also cause the delay of goods and services, resulting for an economic loss. There are also times that people who owns multiple cars doesn't own enough space to park their cars so they will just park it on the side of the road and as a result, even residential roads can be congested. Furthermore, the excessive amount of cars deals an extreme amount of stress on the roads which results on bumpy roads and having to repair them will only cause more traffic.


Source: Tushar Mahajan- Pexels

So in a parallel world where family can only have one car, we can assume that the problems that I mention can be mitigated if not fully resolved but aside from that it will help save the family money that they used to spend on fuel and car maintenance. I also think that it will benefit the family on a personal level because if they only have one car to use, they will have more time to bond when they ride together using their car. At the same time, with the roads being repaired less, that money can be allocated with improving the public transportation so that when it is impossible for the other members of the family to use the car, they can still comfortably reach their destination.

On the other hand, having to impose a rule that to limit the number of cars that a family has means that their freedom is being restricted and that the government has the authority for their assets. Perhaps, the better way is to incentivize people that owns only one car by covering their car insurance while increase the tax for every time a person buy a new car to discourage them.

Thank you for reading my post and see you on the next one!

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All unsourced image on this post belongs to me.

 2 months ago  

well roads would be less jam but maybe public transportation would be crazy lol at least where I live in Malaysia.

 2 months ago  

I suppose unless they increase the amount of public transport to cater for the demand and make the ride comfortable enough that people will want to use them instead of owning car.

 2 months ago  

hmmmm still hard to imagine haha. peak hour here is already crazy for public transportation. Literally have to squeeze inside. if all the car users switched itd be pretty crazy @_@ at least in Malaysia. I'm not sure about PH

 2 months ago  

Just the same here. Like the bus here will take passengers until there is just enough space to open the door of the bus.

 2 months ago  

then probably better not do the one family one car D:

 2 months ago  

As it is now, 3.5B php was lost annually due to traffic. Maybe improve public transportation first then implement the law but personally, I do not want such laws that restricts a persons freedom so I much prefer on disincentivize owning multiple cars by adding more tax each time people buy cars.

 2 months ago  

hmm that's a lot of money. Then ya I guess you guys gotta find a better way to improve public transportation. Well they could restrict maybe how many kids :P would that be better haha become like china

 2 months ago  

The Government can improve the public Transport system, they can invest more in them,
Electric Buses, Electric Train and many others would be very cheap and easier for citizens considering they high cost of petrol

 2 months ago  

yeah... make public transportation safe, cheap and comfortable enough that families will prefer public transport than owning many cars will benefit not only the family but also the growth of economy.

 2 months ago  

The reality is, the implementation of policy such as this will definitely be advantageous to the society in different levels but it will be quite impossible to implement such policy in areas of the society without good public transportation because imagine large families with different destination for daily activities, they won't be able to make use of just one car for all, so they will need to depend on public transportation.

It might seem like a befitting policy with lot of goodies but it also restricts lot of advantageous privileges that comes with each individuals owning their own car.

 2 months ago  

Indeed... I even know some people that owns multiple car not to use them at the same time but because collecting car is part of their hobby and they will be the most affected if such law were to be implemented.