We Are Products Of Other People's Labour OF Love

in Hive Learners3 years ago (edited)

I'm so in love with this topic as this is the definition of my life - Doing things or rendering my services to other people without expecting (orrefusing) anything in return.

A True Impact

VolunteeringAs my dear friend @temibot intelligently defined this beautiful word-

However, on a larger scope, it could encapsulate your activities in distinctly touching the lives of people around you.

Like I said earlier, this is what defines me.
I've volunteered to help out weddings, birthday parties, outreaches to children, teenagers, youths, the elderly; the list is endless and it's something that I will continue to do without looking back.

Many years ago, a lot of missionaries risked their lives to bring bring the Gospel of Jesus Christ to Africa, particularly Nigeria. They also brought education to us and many of them even died in the process. Some died of malaria which had no cure at the time.

We are all products of the labour of love of other people. The doctors and nurses who volunteerd at the hospital where we were born and in whose arms we were born, the stranger who helped drop us of at our homes late at night when there was no single vehicle without taking a dime and much more.

This is more than Volunteering, this is my Responsibility

Photo of my friend ministering to inmates in the outer prison yard (I'm the woman behind the camera)

Today, I had the opportunity to visit the Prison with sister and friend. She came to see her brothers who were wrongfully accused and jailed for a crime they knew nothing about.

We were well prepared as we were not just planning to see her brothers alone but other inmates and share the Word of God with them, give them copies of the Rhapsody Of Realities daily devotional and words of hope and encouragement.

It was one of the best outreaches we had. We brought hope to those inmates who lived daily in torment, frustration, prayed to remain alive to see the next day and a lot if them who kept hoping to come out of there someday before they die.

Before we went to see the prison inmates, we were searched thoroughly and had to tip a lot of officials in order to get in.
I saw their sufferings bur trued my best to hold back their tears so I didn't appear weak to those I wanted to strengthen though my friend couldn't hold hers back.

A lot of the inmates were scattered inside the prison yard, begging for money to get food and water, begging for clothes to put on, some of them were even being serxually molested by their fellow inmates who had no control over their burning desires haven been there for years), begging for us to pray for them to come out of there as we gave them copies of the Rhapsody of Realities and some change.

It was worth being there and doing it and I won't think twice about going there again and this time, to reach out to more of them.
Be the answer to someone's cries today.

Till next time, keep loving...

All images are mine

This is my response to the weekly Hive Learners Engagement Prompt

 3 years ago  

keep it up, God will reward you. Thanks for sharing

 3 years ago  

Thanks so much for reading dear. God bless you too. 🤗🤗

 3 years ago  

We cannot reward you for being a volunteer but we can say thank you for all your good deeds.

 3 years ago  

That's very sweet of you. Thanks so kindly. It was my pleasure

Our prison system is Wack. Those people are suffering, both innocent and guilty. And they need all the help they can get. You people really did good.
Thank you for sharing this with us.

 3 years ago  

It was really our pleasure doing it; thank God we did!
Thank you so much for visiting.🤗🤗🙂🙂

 3 years ago  

Oh my! This is more than regular volunteering. And now to those in the correctional center. I must say, it takes a great deal of courage to do what you did. You almost cried and had to put on a strong face, that is one hell of a comrade! Honestly, I must commend that! Keep up with the Christ force, my dear.

And I must add that I am flattered by the way you said my definition was intelligent.. 🤣

 3 years ago  

Oh yes, I couldn't think if a better definition than yours - it was perfect. So grateful for reading dear, it was really my pleasure doing so and won't think twice before sound it again.
Please so have a beautiful weekend my dear comrade 🤗🤗😊🙂🙂😇😇💪💪

 3 years ago  

You have done well, sapphire.
Have a lovely weekend too..

 3 years ago  

Thank you dear 🙂🙂