Have advances in technology and science had a positive impact? or have a negative impact?

in Hive Learners11 months ago

Hello all my friends who are on this hive blog and especially to my friends who are members of the Hive Learners community, I hope that we are all given health in the form of a healthy mind, spiritually and physically so that we can always write things that are useful for all Hive blog users in the world This.

This time the theme is quite interesting for us to discuss and discuss, because I have always been interested in the themes of science and also technological developments in the past and the present.

And I also really feel the impact of very rapid and fast technological progress, so in my opinion, especially in the country of Indonesia where I live, I feel that technology is developing very quickly, and there are also many pros and cons to this issue among society and academics.

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I want to look at it from two different points of view, the first is from the perspective of the pros for advances in science or technology that are very early or too fast. for me, this is from previous innovations, and also this is related to the theory they studied, so every day the development of science which is supported by certain mechanical tools will become faster and faster, so the positive impact will also be felt for people who really use it properly. Good.

Because previously, when I was in grade 1 of junior high school up to grade 3 of high school, I never once held my own cellphone, and it was only after graduating from high school that I started to find out about cellphones nowadays, which have very sophisticated features.

Moreover, when I was in college until I graduated from college, I had never heard of GPT chat, which previously was a very viral issue on social media.

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So with the GPT chat, it starts to become easier to do all kinds of questions that we are working on, but the negative aspect is that we will never know the basis or philosophy of how the GPT chat gets immediate results, and that also makes people lazy to look for data. or more detailed facts to get results.

Maybe this is the only article I can share and this is my personal opinion regarding the progress of technology and science in Indonesia in particular, so there are definitely pros and cons to this issue. Maybe this is all I can write, hopefully it will be useful for all hive blog users and especially for members of the hive learners community.

Best Regard @salimuddin

 11 months ago  


From that point of view we can say that science and technology have many useful tools or inventions, but it depends on the use of each person, as they can be used to do good or to abuse.

Good anecdotes you mention. Greetings.

 11 months ago  

Thank you so much

Bagus kawan , tetap semangat dalam berkarya

 11 months ago  

Terima kasih kawan sudah berkunjung..