The love for health

in Hive Learners3 years ago

We don't always get what we wish for or most times our first wish doesn't come true.

If I was told back then when I was much younger that I wouldn't be a psychiatrist I would have argued or probably engaged in fight with who so ever it was because I had so much passion for the course.

Being in the field as a psychiatrist was a dream that almost came through but then I got discouraged,I had this love and passion to want to always be there for those that needs care and love, it was once a weakness for me, caring just too much for others.

But then fate, played a trick on me so I couldn't fulfill that particular dream.

Still I didn't completely fall out of the dream of being in the health field. So I caught interest in something else, quite similar since I couldn't give all my love and care to the depressed and those with mental issues I switched to taking care of the human/ female body.

I found a new love in being a gynecologist, it's a very respectable and lucrative course where also there will be need for emotional supports to the patient's.

It has to do with examining of the woman body, the reproductive tract to be specific, giving sexual and reproductive health services and also testing and treatment for any form of vaginal infection for women, menstrual imbalance, menopause and also issues relating to pregnancy or fertility. So generally it deals with the diseases and condition of the female reproductive system.

We play a very important role the society in the health aspect of the female, just as it is always said that the ladies are pron to some certain kind of infection because the body is freely open to some bacterias, that enters the body even without you knowing, but only for you start observing some abnormal things.

But a with the help of a gynecologist in the society to dictate the right treatment to take after going through a proper lab test or examination. To avoid you from taking self medications and causing more damage to your body and to reduce the rate of infertility in the society at large.

So I finally settled for this field not just because it has to do with health but also there's this flow of love, care, attention and interaction between the patient's and the gynecologist. It's also a well paid job and also provides employment opportunities in different sectors.

Though it is a quite competitive and time taking course and can be really tough especially at times when you are to make some decisions on the right treatment to give because most patients can be difficult and secretive.

I still look forward to coming out victorious and to work more on my patience skills, becomes it would come in handy.