The problem is how one sees the good and bad of what a politician does. I'm not going to talk about criminal cases related to politics. But that not every person who is not a politician is equipped by nature to attain a high education and be successful. We have experienced so-called socialism in our country. It was a system that suppressed views other than "socialist." Its main fault, however, was that it over-protected those people who did not have the talent for education and suppressed the desire for personal success. The problem with the present system, however, is that these people are now virtually not protected at all. They often end up homeless because, for example, their earnings or pensions are not enough to cover essential costs such as rent, etc. Because those who are successful are given absolute freedom in what they demand in terms of price, for example, for renting an apartment. The politician should be there for all citizens. Both for the intelligent and capable. and for those who don't have those qualities. Because we are all human beings.
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