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RE: Everything Going My Way Would Be My Perfect Day

in Hive Learners8 months ago

I am HL member for a long time now and the topics here gives me opportunity to share my life stories and views on different perspectives of life, nice way to express and share opinions. Thank you for reading my article !!!!

 8 months ago  

oh really ahha maybe I didn't notice before :P. Never saw you join the hangouts or chat in HL discord maybe that's why. yes i like the topics too that's why im here ;3

 8 months ago  

Yeah unable to join the chat and all due to busy schedule but I always try to participate in their provided topics. You didnt noticed but I started following you from one of your post in HL community

 8 months ago  

i see haha maybe I didn't notice. I only noticed you from the eating out community :P