My Biggest Fear

in Hive Learners11 months ago (edited)

Hello everyone! Hope you all are well. Welcome you to my daily blog with another wonderful story. Humans are best creation of Allah. But still they feared. I have a question for you that what is the thing that you feared the most?

Different person fears different things. Someone fears of life, someone's future, someone fears the Ghost. The girls fear of doggy, cockroaches and many more. When I was a child, I also feared staying and sleeping alone. Once a day when I was a child, I was sleeping in a room alone. My mother was in the kitchen. There was no one at home except me and my mom. Suddenly the electricity was gone, and I woke up and cried a lot by seeing no one in the room. But not now I fear to live alone, even now I love to live alone and spend time alone. Although still sometimes I feared of bad dreams in the middle of night. I feared about my future that what will be with me.
Can I fulfill my dreams? Can I live a life that I dream for or can’t? I fear a lot when this type questions comes to me. I feared about my family, my parents, my siblings. Can we always live a beautiful life like we are living right now? How I will survive without my caring mother and strongest father. What will happen with me if I can’t be success in life. Also, I feared about death. I don’t know when my death will come, but one day it will must come. Am I will be ready for that? Can I make my almighty satisfied with my work before that or not?

Beside this personal thinking I feared about the people who live around me. I feared about this generation. I feared about my motherland. The youngers, the future of the country is leaving the country for higher study and they are shifting in another country permanently. The education system is going down day by day. We are losing the interest of learning new things. Day by day we are going backwards from the developed country. We are giving value to the wrong person. The wrong persons are ruling the country but the most deserving people are jobless. They are depressed. Corruption in every sector. There is air pollution, water pollution, and environmental pollution all over of the country. We are going to forget our great past, our golden times, our beautiful history, our history of struggling, history of fighting against the wrong. We don’t even know the names of our national heroes who have sacrificed their lives for the betterment of us. We just forget that "Legends aren't born where they're not valued; they rise where their worth is recognized and celebrated".

I fear about the world the way the time is going. Everywhere is war and war. The superpowers are using their powers in the wrong way. They are oppressing the weak. In the name of peace, they are destroying peace. I feared when people fight by giving wrong definition of religion. I feared about the times are coming in the future. I really fear about.

Now this is the high time to change the society. We have to solve our own problem we cannot ignore or skip it. We have to fight against the wrong. We have to raise our voice against the wrong. We are not child anymore. We have wake up, we have to fight. We have to gather more knowledge that will make our brains stronger. We have made us strong. We have to know the value of own country. We have to gather the quality “Patriot”. We have to be true patriots. We have to do the best use of nature. We have to always remember that who created us. And why we were created? The purpose of our life. Our duties and responsibilities. We have to wake up before the time ends. We have to wake up, this is high time.

Thanks for your valuable time. I tried my best to express my thoughts through this blog. I hope you all enjoyed that. Let me know how do you feel by reading this.

Have a good day!!!

This for today.Thanks for reading my blog. Please share your valuable thoughts in the comment section. Happy reading.
