Maturity and Adult Age

in Hive Learners11 months ago

In most of the country people typically think that kids or teenagers turn into adults when they become 18. It is a very common scenario all over the world. Most people think that the transition from being a teenage year to adulting occurs while being 18. This is the time teenagers finally become legal for so many things. But in my opinion the ideal age solely is not determined by any social norms or any legal statues. It is a very complex interchange of an individual’s biological, psychological and many social factors.

Edited with canva

In my country when you are 18, you become a certified adult. You are allowed to vote for the country and for many more things. You basically stop being a minor or teenager when you become 18. You are bound to have some responsibilities. In the scenario of our country where most kids are dependable on their parents or families at that age, becoming an adult sounds like such an out of context thing to happen.

As like many I also thought, 18 seems to soon to be considered as an adult. At this age most kids are just going to their high schools, leaving with their parents, just beginning to navigate relationships and some are exploring their future paths. They might lack some life experiences and emotional maturity to handle the responsibilities that come with being an adult and also the complexity of adulthood. Yet they are totally free to choose for themselves by the age of 18. As in they can vote, sign contracts and even can join the militaries.

But I would definitely say about the exceptional cases as well. For example, a kid who grew up all alone by taking his own responsibility from a very young age ; his maturity level will definitely not match with a kid who still lives with his family, doesn't have to worry about making ends meet or does not have to take his own responsibilities solely by them. The latter one definitely got less life experiences than the other one, so as the time went by the first kid would grow up into a very mature young-adult.

Also the society we live in, tends to believe that girls become mature way before boys. In the brown culture there is a pervasive gender disparity in expectations regarding kids maturity. Girls are mostly burdened with the responsibility of behaving maturely from an early age. As they are also taught to prioritise domestic duties,excel academically and even conforms to many social norms. This pressure automatically leads them to be emotional labour and caregiving roles for the family. So by the time those girls are turning 18, most of the people think of it as they are ready to be wedded off and even live up-to the expectations of her husband or in-laws. Meanwhile boys are treated with more leniency to indulge in behaviours that are mostly immature ones. Which I really feel is unfair to those girls to a whole different level.

If someone asks me about the ideal age for adulthood, I would definite;y advocate for a more subtle approach. Where one can individual development rather than just a fixed number. Age can not define someone’s maturity level. Maturity is influenced by so many things around us such as life experiences, emotional intelligence and social upbringing. Some individuals might be ready for adult responsibilities only at the age of 18. On the other hand some might be 28 yet not mature enough to handle all those. They might need more time for it.

Moreover, the cultural and societal factors play a very significant role in this. In some cultures, you are bound to take responsibilities from a very young age and in some you can wait until you don’t feel like you can really do it. For example in western culture, a kid can move out from their parents’ house once they are 18. On the other hand brown culture won’t allow you to do that most of the time.

Ultimately at the end of the day, age is just a mere number. Some people might show wisdom and responsibility beyond their years while some others may even struggle to mature even in their adulthood. We just have to support both of these people so they can actually learn more and grow. Maturity is not about reaching a certain age rather about developing yourself as a human being. So while legal adulthood might begin at 18, it is just a doorway to new responsibilities and a new chapter of life. The journey towards maturity is most likely an ongoing process throughout your whole life and it is different to individuals. Therefore the notion of this ‘ideal age’ becomes really subjective and multifaceted at this point while reflecting on different human life experiences and trajectories.

Have a good day!!!

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