in Hive Learners10 months ago


As I was sipping my coffee on a holiday morning sitting in our living room ; I couldn’t help but think of how far I actually came in this life. How this living room looks so complete on this holiday morning. I also reflected on the journey of my parenthood. It is like a long road filled with lots of hopes and dreams. But it sometimes hits me hard that what if my dreams and hopes don't end up matching my childrens’?

Suddenly Amaya snapped me out of my thoughts by calling me. She is looking for her bag which she never seems to keep properly and forgets. I went up and gave that to her. I wonder sometimes how she would ever be able to live alone! On the other hand she has always been the most curious kid I have ever seen. She would want to know about anything and everything coming her way. She always asked a lot of questions and wanted to learn about everything. And I taught her as much as I could.

Suddenly this hit my mind, that soon she is not going to be here. She is leaving this country in a month for her higher studies. She is going to another country to fulfil her dreams.

As she grew up, she started looking around and even beyond our home or neighbourhood. She was always curious; asking so many questions, like a river always flowing. She wanted to explore new places and everything.

We never thought of sending her off to any distant city let alone another country. Amaya was always our little kid. But as much as we thought of her as a little one, she grew up being something else. She was always focused on being that young independent adult. We just never noticed how fast she grew up and was on her way to becoming one as well.

I felt so proud as I saw her packing her stuff, preparing to live a life that we never thought of for her. We had different things planned for her but when your child is going to be an adult herself you need to understand that not every time your plan will match with theirs. None of our family’s kids went that far by themselves before her. At first everyone was very bitter-sweet about this but as time went by everyone came to know that no, our girl was making a huge and wise decision for herself and no matter what we should be on her side; not making things harder for her.

As I stood there watching her, I felt nothing but proud. Very proud of my daughter. I already imagined her doing all her chores alone and I won’t lie that I am scared of the fact that how would she even do all those. But definitely my kid was a strong one, she would manage. I can not wait for her to come back home with tons of stories to tell everyone. She would learn so much by then. People say it right, nothing teaches you better than living alone in a new city all by yourself. She would be a lot wiser than she already is. I can not wait for this kid to grow up and see her achieving all her dreams one by one.

All these years I have learned being parents is a tough job to do. It is not just your kids who grow, you grow up in every aspect with them as well. And that is very important. It is also not about forcing your dreams or hopes onto them. It is about letting them find their own purpose and their own way to it. Even if sometimes the path doesn’t end up matching yours, you need to sit down and talk. Listen to them and try to understand from their point of view as well.

As I looked at my kid I realised, my little girl grew up. She found her wings, and she is going to fly beyond the horizon, over the seas to lead a life all by herself.˜ø matter what she ends up doing, she ends up as a good human being and no matter where she is going to be, she will always have a piece of my heart with her.

Have a good day!!!

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