in Hive Learners2 months ago

Whenever i see or hear a term like family dinner i just can’t help but laugh crazily at the thought of it. This most happens immediately after i think about the eating habits of my family members and i, these irreplaceable family members of mine don’t understand the language of family dinner at all, including myself. On countless occasions have we tried to eat together as one big happy family, but at the end of the day one thing or the other doesn’t make it work, as we the kids don’t like doing the right at the right time and always love doing the wrong things at the right time we always end up eating after half of the family has eaten, thanks to our phone…


When i hear family dinner, I laugh hysterically because my family isn’t an intentional practitioner of such habit, we all prefer eating whenever we want, especially my siblings and i. It is either we start together and get preoccupied with our phones or we don’t start at all until we are ready, better yet we eat and use our phones together. If i were to count the number of times my family members and i have had something called family dinner, I don’t think it has happened up to fifty times since we came of age. Family dinner is not really common thing in the middle class families, it mostly happens on festive occasions for us and not constantly…

Family dinner in my home is usually very funny. My siblings and i have never really ate together with our parents before, we mostly eat in pairs. My mum eats her dinner immediately or some hours after it has been prepared, this mostly happens when it’s swallow we have on the menu. My mum doesn’t like hot swallows especially if it’s semovita, she mostly eats others immediately depending on her level of appetite at that moment…

My Dad is ever hardly on time for something like family dinner. He works from morning till night. He eats his dinner mostly after we all have gone to bed. He comes back home and my mum serves him his dinner because she is the one who mostly get the door when he is back…


My brother and i are mostly never at home when dinner is being made, we just meet dinner served most of the time we both are outdoor lover. We stay out late and most times miss on getting to eat dinner with our mum and elder sister, my brother and i are always the second set to have dinner, while my mum and sister are always the first ones, and my Dad happens to be the last one to have dinner because of his job…

My family members and I don’t always eat at the same time and in one place, we eat where and when we can depending on our mood for that night. It is either my mum and elder sister are eating dinner in the room and we the sons are in the parlor having our dinner or vice versa. Eating dinner together in the same place and at the same time isn’t common in my family. Most of time it is always happening at the time of the night…

Family dinner is not really a big deal in my family, I think family dinner most happen and are mostly taken serious by the rich ones, for us in the middle class it is not really a big deal, we do it when we feel like and don’t make an issue out of it if it doesn’t go as planned…


In summary, I don’t think family dinner has anything to do with familial bond, ok a norms there is no eating at the dinner table rule, so how do we bond without words at the dinner table, but then it’s nice to eat dinner together with the family sometimes…

Family dinner doesn’t majorly affect our familial bond, it is quite important but then not too crucial enough to affect the bond between my family members and i. If it happens, fine. If it doesn’t happen, it’s still fine. That doesn’t determine how much i love my family and how much they love me…

In conclusion, i am good with the way everything works right now, let’s leave it the way it is. Family dinner can rest until we live in a big house, until then let’s just eat and survive. There will be more time for family dinner…

 2 months ago  

Family dinner is okay when it what works, but it’s not the only way to bond. Every family has its own way of what works and build strong family connection, be it through family dinner or through other shared moments together. It's all about finding what works.

 2 months ago (edited) 

Exactly my dear, you have really highlighted everything in just these few words of yours. Let’s practice what works for us as family dinner isn’t the only bonding methods we have…

Thanks for stopping by dear…