The Fragility of Existence: An Encounter by the Roadside

in Hive Learners11 months ago


With the number of accidents I read or hear of every time, it has made me wish nothing should ever make me go out on the road, it is why I don't like travelling but I have never escaped that because I still go out, ply the road every day. I travelled last week on Sunday and returned on Tuesday, we can't stop going out, especially for our daily needs.

I have always watched people die in a twinkle of an eye and it made me believe that word from the scripture that it's just a step between life and death. There was a woman I saw on a short video where she was dancing so hard at an event with some secondary school students and while dancing, she started going down and before anyone could see what was happening, she had given up the ghost while on the ground. Anytime I watch these kinds of things, my mind vibrates because, at that time, I think of death, what if it's me tomorrow? Sincerely, the fear of death scares me the more with how people die all of a sudden.

An individual left his house in the morning, only to hear that he was in the mortuary as he was reported dead from an accident. Whenever I am travelling, there is this book we are always given as passengers to fill in in case of accidents, they would be able to give an emergency call to our next of kin, and the thought that used to run through my mind then would keep me uncomfortable till I arrived at my destination while in my mind would be pleading the blood of Jesus and praying that everyone gets home safely. Meanwhile, those who have died didn't pray for such as they also prayed to live longer, and get to their final destination safely, but when the worst happens, who are we to question death itself? When it happens, it happens.

I kept thinking of a near-death experience of mine which I couldn't think of any because I have been going out and coming in safely and it's all by God's mercy which I never would take for granted. But there was one I remembered which happened some years ago when I had just finished secondary school.

Mom had a shop across the expressway which always got busy every day with different people and cars moving. The sound of trailers, cars, buses and bikes was enough to make someone deaf because we were always beside the road which was easy access for passers-by to drop by and get what they wanted. Mom had gone to Lagos to get some goods on this particular day and I was left to handle the shop. My brother who was still a little boy then had already gone to play with his peers, leaving only me to take care of the goods in the shop. Perhaps I was also grateful that he wasn't around me then, it could have been a different case.

Dad had helped us push his car outside with the back view facing the road and the front facing inside. This is because the breads we sold were being arranged in the booth and were shown outside so that people going and coming could see what we were selling, it is believed then that customers tend to appreciate bread arranged in a car rather than on the table as they see it as fresh ones coming out from the bakery. When it was evening, I shifted my location from the shop to the main road while sitting beside the booth and watching as people were going and coming while enjoying the funny scenarios and conversations that were happening.

A customer came around to buy bread and while I attended to him and was looking for change to give to him, as I went to the filling station beside our shop to look for change, I heard gboah...that was the sound of a pickup vehicle that has hit the side of my Dad's car, it was exactly where I was sitting down. I looked back and was so shocked to see what had just happened. The customer was standing on the other side of the car and I knew he ran for his life too when we were told the vehicle lost its brake.


A woman was even looking for me and when she saw me from the filling station, she said "God, thank you" in the Yoruba language. I just stood there and thought about everything. What if I was sitting there or perhaps still backing the road while attending to customers? What if my brother was standing at that spot? Was this how we would have been hit and maybe die in the process? All I kept doing that day was thanking God for my life. The vehicle hit my Dad's car and pressed the body so hard and I could imagine if I had been there with such a hard hit, something else would have happened. Since that day, my mom never allowed us to sit close to the express as anything can happen at any time.

I knew sitting by the express as a young girl was risky but we had to do it to survive and help our parents who were also working hard to make ends meet, but sometimes, we need to be careful with the risks we take all in the name of finding what we would eat. I knew then that if there was another way to make a living without risking our lives on the express road, my parents would have done that so we could be safe. But again, everyone dies differently, if not by road accident, another way would come because there are always a thousand ways to die. Life is unpredictable, so we must live our lives each day as though it is our last day. Appreciate the simplicity of life and most importantly, show kindness and always seek mercy from God.

Both images were created from Bing

Thanks for your time reading. Looking forward to your interaction.


Posted Using InLeo Alpha

 11 months ago  

Most times all these near realty experience were never planned for. The worse thing ever is going out and not coming back safe.

Yes oo. No one knows when and we just keep praying not to encounter unexpected circumstances that would take our lives untimely.

Your story is yet another testament to God's goodness. He used that customer's change to move you away from that place you were sitting before disaster struck.

Your end remark is pure truth that we all should imbibe daily.

Thanks for sharing

Exactly sis. If not that I went to look for change, it would have been a different story but I keep thanking God. Thank you, sis.

All thanks to God 😊

 11 months ago  

Honestly, the day is full of evil. An accident happened a long while ago. The brake of a lorry failed. Before this lorry stopped, it had mowed about three cars in front of it, sending those in the cars to their early graves. The truck driver had no single scratch on his body.

That's how fickle this life can be.

I'm glad you escaped a potentially fatal accident.

This life is fickle indeed and while we are still alive, let´s be grateful always. Thank you for reading.

 11 months ago  

In any situation, we should always thank God. I was even imagining that if you were there and didn't go to the filling station that's how the car would have hit and pressed you to the car, but thank God for using the customer change to move you away from there.

Yea, we should always be grateful and that was just a big grace.

 11 months ago  

This looter later made an entry to this topic, I am coming for you soon😌😌😌

😂😂😂 I had to think and think

Such a frightening situation. Glad that you were not there when it happened. It can really shake one to know what might have been.

Life is indeed fleeting. And in countries which are developing and with a large population like India, value of life is very cheap. People put themselves into risk everyday as they make ends meet. It is a sad reflection of our fast lives :(

Thank you for putting me in a reflective mood. cheers from a fellow #dreemerforlife

Yes. You are so right. Such moment would shake one because of how shocking it would be especially when it happened to you. This life, we need to be careful too because of a lot of dangers in the world as a result of people taking risks in one way or the other.
Thank you for taking out time to read from me.

Oh God is wonderful. This is miracle beyond words. He knew what was going to happen and created an escape route for you.


You are very right. That was just what happened and it was a miracle. Thank you 😊

Thank God for your life and that of your customer's. The rate at which accidents happen, is drastically on the increase, infact, most victims barely survive. Auto accident is something I witness almost every time, because of the bad condition of the road, you get to see three passengers on a bike trying to overtake a full load tanker or 40ft container. We must be very careful out there and also to put God first, even before embarking on any journey
No journey is small! Thank God for your life, once again.

No journey is small truly and we must always be careful also. Most importantly, putting God first before we embark on a journey.
Thank you for your comment.

You're welcome, Ma.

Thank God nothing bad happened. It's not easy for everyone who is trying to make ends meet. This is a big testament to the wonders of God in our lives.

Came in from dreemport.

Yes, indeed God's wonders was proven then and still doing so. Thank you, sis.