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RE: A powerful advice from my cousin : Do not settle for Average

in Hive Learners2 years ago

While reading your post, it made me remember the first time I visited my elder sis in Lagos, she lives in an estate in Lekki and when I got there, I do not need anyone even her to motivate me because at that instant, I realized there is life to enjoy if you want it. My sister had told me once to dream big and that life I lived with her, just for three days, I felt it in me. By the time I returned back to Ondo, I knew I had to do my best and work hard.

Life is good when we work hard for it. Those people making it aren't any different from us, we just have to do what it takes and that is where sacrifice comes in. I am also an introvert and I love my privacy as it helps me focus on myself and what I want for myself.

God will surely help us all.

 2 years ago  

yea, i also realize one thing, it is good to always explore other areas, we should not get stuck in one particular place for long because we would never know what we are missing out on, without that visit, probably i would have grow old at home without any big dreams cos i didn't know what is out there and i won't be curious to find out....