I had a different article planned for today, one that was inspired with an event I experienced today, but while I was scrolling through tiktok just trying to relax, I saw this video that almost made me tear up. And maybe it was because of the sad background sound used in the video, or the fact that I could relate so well with the content of the video that it got to me so much.
In the video I watched, it showed a little kid, probably around eight years old, and he was standing at his neighbours window, trying to watch a movie that was playing in his neighbours living room.
The reason why that almost made me cry was because I used to be that kid many years ago. Back in the day, probably like fifteen years ago, I would slowly walk to my neighbors window during the day or at night and stand there for hours, watching movies while my neighbour and their kids would sit comfortably in their home seeing the same movie.
At the time, we had this really old television that always got damaged whenever there was a little change in voltage, and most times when that happened, it took days, sometimes even weeks to get it fixed and that was because the television wasn't a priority then.
And sadly, I didn't have a mobile phone to keep me busy or anything like that, so whenever we had power supply and all the kids had gone inside their various homes to watch cartoons and different kind of interesting movies, I would sneak up to my neighbour's window because the moment they realize that I'm there, they would close up the curtains.
So I would sneak up there and just stand there for hours, enduring the mosquito bites and all sort of things out there just so that I could watch some TV.
Writing about it right now is making me feel a lot sad because it reminds me of where I come from and where I'm at right now, and all I can say is that I'm grateful, because I'm doing so well for myself and I feel like I don't appreciate it enough.
Unfortunately a lot of us are like that, too focused on where we want to be that we forget where we are and how far we've come from where we used to be. I hope I stop doing that because I've come a long way.
My situation was not so worse because in our joint family there was a tv in my cousins house. I didn't suffer mosquito bites but several time I need to come out from their room in the night time which was kind of hamulating and that's the reason I didn't watch tv for several years until my father bought a tv and kept it in our room. I don't know if it was for my ego or self respect.
I also forgot about the thing as in that time I was very little an I just remembered it reading your story.
I think mine was a bit sad because they were countless times I got treated like a nobody by this people simply because they knew I wouldn't want to fight back and miss having to stand at their window to watch TV. Because the kids knew I went there often, but their mom didn't.