Slow Start

in Hive Learners2 months ago

I'm currently experiencing something I call a slow start to a fast year, a year I believe will be a really good one for me.

You see, due to the fact that I live in an environment where eighty percent (if not more) of the people who live here are students, it is still very much an empty environment over here. Due to the fact that school hasn't resumed yet, so there really is no one around and no reason for students to start traveling back.

Unfortunately, if there's one thing I've come to notice that is currently happening due to the change in the activities happening around us, it is that it also affects us mentally in a way where we start to mix things up.

Just yesterday, I was having a conversation with a friend of mine and while having that conversation, I had mentioned that tomorrow (being today) was going to be Saturday.. I remember he had looked at me surprised and asked if today was indeed Saturday.

A question I had laughed at because of how funny the look on his face was. Anyways, it turned out he wasn't the only one who was getting things mixed up due to the lack of activities around them, because I too was also experiencing the effect.

You see, to me, the effect it had on me was that it made me feel relaxed, almost as if I had all the time in the world due to the fact that the world was still on pause (that was the illusion it gave to me) because of the holiday.

photo by Alex Radelich

So I found myself also putting a pause of whatever new year plans I have, and just continue doing what everyone else does during the holiday, to relax and have fun. Sadly, what that does is that while I may be enjoying a much longer holiday, it is already putting me at a disadvantage with the rest of the world...because here I am resting and whirling away time when I should be working.

It just goes to show you how powerful your environment can be and how it could affect you in different ways, depending on your situation. Anyways, it's good to say that I've had my wake up call and all plans for the new year (or at least most of it) has been put into effect.. Hopefully this year would be a lot better than the last.