in Hive Learners3 years ago (edited)


Good day everyone and welcome to the second stage of the Newbies Initiative. Today we will be talking about the "do's and don'ts of hive" which are the unwritten rules but are very important points that if taken for granted might end up causing a user to get downvoted to oblivion here on hive.

Many of us already know some of these rules and many of us don’t. Some of us have even gone against some of this rules and are currently being punished for it. Well hopefully after today’s class, many of us would know the do’s and don’t of hive and will avoid going against them. I will love to begin today’s class with Plagiarism.


According to Google..

Plagiarism is the practice of taking someone else's work or ideas and passing them off as one's own.

But in lame man terms, Plagiarism is simply stealing. Taking credit for another person’s work and it is highly prohibited here on hive. Anyone caught stealing anyone’s content and passing it as their own would be punished. There are some communities like the Hive Learners community who have put people in place to punish offenders like that and they will do it even before you get caught by the Hive watchers, the people I said will most likely downvote you to oblivion.

And for those who don’t know what downvoting is, it’s simply removing the reward on your post until it gets to a stage where you’re unable to make a post anymore on hive.

So no form of plagiarism is allowed here on hive. We want hundred percent originality and if you’re to take something from the internet that doesn’t belong to you, make sure to state it right in your post that it doesn’t belong to you. In most situations, it’s best you write it in quotes just like I wrote the definition of plagiarism up there in quotes because I got it from Google. Another thing we will be discussing today is Sourcing.


We must have seen a lot of pictures on hive with a link mostly written as “source” right under the picture. Well that’s just a way of the author telling us that the image used in that post doesn’t belong to him or her so therefore, he’s leaving a link that would direct us to where he got that image from.

Sourcing is just as important as plagiarism because if you don’t source your images and they don’t belong to you, it’s the same thing as stealing someone else’s work. So we have to make sure we source our pictures if they don’t belong to us and if they do, we have to state it below that the images used belonged to us.

Just in case we don’t know how to source an image, it’s very simple. After copying the link of the website where you downloaded the picture from, all you have to do is

[Source]( Put the link here)

The moment you do that, it will look like something like this Source.

Clicking on that link above will send you straight to my blog. So it’s really that simple.

It is necessary to source images where you take it and note, not all images are free some are under copyright. That images are best sourced under the following sites:

In these sites, there are free images and stock images. Note that stock images are not free to use and requires you to pay for the image before it can be used.

Note that using a free image doesn't mean you should not source it. Every image that is not yours, have to be sourced.


One thing on Hive that Newbies don’t really know is very important are tags. Some of you use the wrong tags on your post because you don’t know that the tags help expose your post to more people.

For an example, you write a fictional story and don’t use the “fiction, story” tag but instead you write “tutorial, life” as your tags, someone searching for fictional stories to curate will search using the tags and will miss your post not because you didn’t write a good story but because you used the wrong tags. So making use of the right tags is a very important part of hive as it helps expose your post to the right people searching for that type of content.


Most people think Hive is a place where you just come drop a post, leave and expect it to get upvoted by everyone. What they fail to realize is that just like Twitter, Facebook or any other social media you can think of, Hive is a social media too that even does better than all those other social media’s because it pays you even if you’re a newbie and don’t have a lot of followers to make you an influencer.

But just like those other social media that you spend most of your time on engaging with people, you have to engage on hive to, you have to make friends because the truth is, one would mostly upvote their friends first before reading and upvoting the post of a total stranger.

So if you want to have a bright future here on hive, engagement is key. Read other people’s post and make meaningful comments and not just the usual annoying “nice post” comment most newbie do thinking that’s engagement.


The last on the list today is something that probably has gotten most of you downvoted or muted by some other people on hive. Vote begging is a big no no on hive because there’s a hundred percent possibility that you begging for upvote will only get you downvoted instead. So instead of begging for upvote, put in the work in both engaging, making quality contents and watch yourself do very well.

Also, it would be great to note that tagging a lot of people on your post i.e. people that you don't actually know or may not know you is not healthy. Some people may consider it as vote begging while some people, do not like receiving notifications from people who they do not know. So it is advisable to tag only people that knows you on your blog instead of multiple people, to be safe and not attract numerous downvotes on your post.


Before any task is given we would like to address every question the newbies would have on this tutorial. So for this, there would be a discord meeting held on the SMILE DISCORD SERVER on Sunday, 27 2022, 6pm GMT where all newbies can bring their questions and paste it in the #help-chat channel which we would provide answers to them via voice or can be pasted in the comments of this post as well.

After the Discord Meeting on Sunday, A task would be given and then be published on the @newbies-hive account with a video of what took place in the meeting. Please do well to bring in your Hive questions in the meeting.

Note: The meeting is not compulsory, but a medium to better communicate with the newbies of the initiative and to answer their questions.

All images are mine except indicated otherwise

 2 years ago  

This is a very important information for us newbies and I am guilty of some. Thank you, we can only get better.

 2 years ago  

Thanks for bringing us to this knowledge, i find it very helpful especially the tag part, I've been guilty of not using the right tags, now I know better.

 3 years ago  

Thank you so much for this. I learnt a lot I didn’t know of.

 3 years ago  

This is really awesome
I'm happy I've not fallen short of these things it's really wonderful to have a mentor.... She warned me about allot of things

Though I still missed some but to an extent she guided me well
I'm sure I can tag her here
Thanks allot my mentor @merit.ahama 😇😇. Higher heights for us all

 3 years ago  

I'm proud of you dear, just keep that pace going... You're doing amazing 😊

 3 years ago  

Thanks allot Boss 😇😇

 3 years ago  

Wowww, this is massive! @prayzz thank you so much for taking your time in explaining all these important tips for us new-bies.

I am a victim of misusing tags🤦, but now I know better. Once again, thanks.

 3 years ago  

🙂 We learn everyday @nkemakonam89

You're welcome.

 3 years ago  

Thanks for the teaching bro very educative

 3 years ago  

You're welcome.

 3 years ago  

These are the what every Newbies need to know about being on Hive. I didn't know these things are taking seriously until I got my first ever downvote for not properly sourcing an image. Actually I sourced the image but then instead of putting it right below the image, I put it at the end of the post. I was lucky that the downvote wasn't worth a lot and after explaining I got it revoked with an upvote..

I think plagiarism really should be a very punishable offense because how would you take credit for another person's work. If you find yourself needing someone's words then quote the person giving them credit.
.thank you @prayzz for this tutorial, I've found it really helpful and I know a lot more people will too. Really appreciate!! ❤️✅

 3 years ago  

Thank you so much for this explanation, it will go a long way for all of us.

 3 years ago  

Thank you for this tutorial, the dourcing of Image was what I didn't get at first, but now I do.

 3 years ago  

You're welcome.

 3 years ago  

The hive platform does not take it likely with anyone guilty of plagiarism.

Thanks for sharing.

I wasn’t sourcing my images properly till the last post so made when it was brought to my attention. I’m glad I didn’t get downvoted.

 3 years ago  

You got lucky, Lol. Good thing you know better now.

Yes, I do.

 3 years ago  

When I first came to hive, I had issues with plagiarism. I was surprised that what I thought was written from my head when I checked it out, it showed that some words were plagiarised. Until I learnt that . I also did not know about engagement. I was having very little or no up votes and it almost frustrated me. Until I learnt about the usefulness of engagement. Evey newbie and even oldies should see this post.
Thank you for this insight.

 3 years ago  

You're welcome.

 3 years ago  

I'm grateful for the effort you've put in to enlighten us on the do's and don'ts of hive. God bless you sir🥰🥰.

 3 years ago  

Amen. God bless you too. 😅

 3 years ago  

Thank you sir 🥰🥰

 3 years ago  

Lots of new things I found in your writing. many times the wrong use of taq. and by begging for upvotes this is something that should not be done otherwise it will be a big thing

 3 years ago  

Yup and you could end up being punished for it, especially when it comes to begging for votes.

 3 years ago  

Well structured and explained illustration. I understand to the fullest. Kudos to you sir! 👍

 3 years ago  

I'm glad you understood all of it.

this is a big help and i really dont know how to repay you
thanks a million times

 3 years ago  

Thank you for sharing, this post made me know about what hive prohibit.

 3 years ago  

Well written and explained post.
Thanks a lot for bringing this important notice to our doorstep.
I am very much in love with the fact that all these things are being stated for us to learn from.

Thanks, sir for the time taken to outline these facts for us.

 3 years ago  

Exactly what I need to know as newbie in this platform.

Thanks for sharing @prayzz

 3 years ago  


 3 years ago  

Thanks a lot for this tutorial this will definitely help us Newbies to do better here on hive

That's a great insight you've dropped there
Thanks very much

 3 years ago  

Wow!!! Thanks so much for this @temibot

 3 years ago  

Yo welcome

Thank you so much. I'm newbie and I have so much to learn about Hive. Well,now I follow "Hive Learners".🙂👍

 3 years ago  

Thanks for this do's and don't tutorial.
It's is necessary, I just had to send the link address of this post to a friend who just joined hive, there are lots of things she doesn't know, and to be honest, explaining all of it gets me tired hehe.

I've been abiding by these unwritten rules and will continue. Special thanks go to @dreemsteem
I learned all of this from her during the time of uptrennd.

 3 years ago  

Thanks a lot bro💯🙌 now I understand what you were trying to explain clearly,,,

 3 years ago  

It is a post that touches everything I needed to hear or know about when I joined first
I had serious issues sorting it out,but it is amazing to see how far I am getting towards achieving more here

 3 years ago (edited) 

Thank you so much for sharing @prayzz.
I've really learnt a lot. You've laid a good foundation for all Hive newbies especially me so we don't miss or fall away.

 3 years ago  

Thanks @prayzz this is really helpful and I will try and adjust to some things I wasn't doing before

 3 years ago  

You’re welcome

 3 years ago  

It is a very valuable information that we often overlook or do not know. It is a very valuable information that we often overlook or do not know. I am over 8 months old and still have problems with labels 😩. I am over 8 months old and still have problems with labels 😩. This information is good. This information is good. Porq so newbies do not make so many mistakes and move forward with safe stepss. I am very grateful 🥰

 3 years ago  

You’re welcome.

 2 years ago  

Thank you very much, I have really picked a lot from this post. I am grateful

 2 years ago  

I’m glad to have helped.

 2 years ago  

Thank you sir

Thank you so much, I've learnt a lot from this, it's really knowledgeable

 2 years ago  

Thanks for amazing guidance ❤

 3 years ago  Reveal Comment
 3 years ago  

You're welcome.

 3 years ago  

My pleasure.

 3 years ago  

You're welcome.

 3 years ago  Reveal Comment
 3 years ago  

When it comes to engagement, I believe there are different methods to it. What you say would determine the kind of response you will get in return.

So you might be engaging but not really doing it right.

 3 years ago  
