Are you Naturally a Good person?

in Hive Learners2 months ago

Are you naturally a good person or do you just have a better situation, is a question I have for y'all today.

photo by Imad Alassiry

You see, something happened to me last month when I and a friend of mine had gone to this shop to buy something, and after we were done paying for the stuff, I realized on our way home that the man who sold us the stuff had miscalculated and the money we had paid to him was way lesser than what we should have paid.

So I and my friend had both gone back to the shop to give him the balance. I still remember the way he looked at me, almost like he couldn't believe that I would do something like that, before going ahead to pray for me.

Now while all of that felt good and made me feel like I was a better person, I found myself asking questions, asking myself if I would have done the same thing if I was broke and didn't have enough money on me.

Of course I knew what the answer to that question was and trust me when I say that I was disappointed in myself, because it wasn't the answer I would love to admit to, but it was the truth. I most likely would have seen that entire situation as a way of God coming to help me in my time of need, and would have walked away with the money.

It reminds me of what happened many years ago, when my parents had both traveled to the village with my little brother, leaving just me and my two elder brothers at home. Before they left, I had asked my dad to split our allowance into three places, rather than giving everything to my eldest brother to take care of and for some reason he had agreed.

As expected, it didn't take long for me to blow almost all of it away, but then on this particular day, I had gone to this woman's shop to get noodles, and due to how distracted she was, she had handed me the money I gave to her, plus the change.

So instead of paying for the stuff I bought, she had returned back my money, and still gave me the change that she would have given to me if I had paid her in the first place. I remember the walk back home to be the longest one ever because I was scared she was going to call me back but she didn't.

Now usually, I would have given her back the money and corrected her, but I was running out of cash and my parents weren't coming back anytime soon, so I did the only I could do to save myself, to survive.. I thanked God for his goodness and moved on with my life.

This is why I'm asking the question "Are you Naturally a Good person?" because most people might not be at the end of the day, which is fine I guess, especially when you're faced with two options, survival or being good.

 2 months ago  

Menjadi orang baik nampaknya adalah pengajaran yang dilakukan oleh orang tua. Tapi, apakah kita perlu berbuat baik dan mengabaikan diri sendiri?

 2 months ago  

It depends on the belief. In my life I have encountered several situation and each time I returned the money without thinking twice. I strongly believe that if I do good work, God will repay me in different ways. So there is no chance that situation can change my decision.

 2 months ago  

You're a good person.. Sadly, I don't think I am, at least to an extent.