Employers should mind their professional business account

in Hive Learners3 days ago

Greetings, to everyone!

Welcome to my blog and the special featured contest of the week. It's a blessed week already. Say, Amen to it. If you believe.

I went through people's blogs to read about their ideological concepts related to the featured contest topic. While reading, I found it very interesting and learned a lot from others.

To begin with, social media is a place for content creation related to business, life, entertainment relationships, people known and unknown people in the world. In a simple phrase, 'social networking'. My response to this contest will be on what is best for the employer and the employee. I am not business-inclined. But If I should get myself involved in it I will learn and grow with it with the skills. In our present economic situation in Nigeria, we don't need to depend on one source of income, even as a manager of a company, other sources of income would help you fix your mind on your company or other skills than wanting to check your employee's social media account, it's not a bad thing as a manager to search for faithful employee to manage his company, he needs to go through his or her social media account to know who the person is and what he is capable of doing. Not only this, there are other means we can get the test from the employees, it could be physical test related to finance and the rest. Some of our social media platforms are irritated that a sensitive man or woman will not be able to chat up for a serious business.


I can only submit my social media to the manager or company when something gets lost, and they want to search for accountability and transparency; that's when they can access my phone; beyond that, there is a problem of prying into my privacy, which is not proper. To avoid the issue of searching the employee's social account, instead, let a social media account be opened for the company for all the employees to post the marketing scheme and products from the company; I believe able employees can give adequate attention to the customer's need when they are interested in the company's products. Here is the professional business account being created that would give the employers a reason to mind their business and not invade the employees. This will serve to ensure the image of the organization.

Truth be told, young men and women should try and be ambassadors of their time. Social media is a big space where all your content will be viewed by many people on the social space. Your decency on the platform can give you a job both in your dress and the kind of content you put up.

On the other way, It's not bad for your client to view your account; we all go through people's accounts on social media to read and to have fun, depending on what you put there. And it's not good for the manager to tell his employees to submit their phones. Everyone should respect another's privacy unless permission is granted.

Thank you for reading through.

This post is in response the the #Hivelearners featured contest week 149 edition 1.

I love, I care, and I forgive

I remain @peckypeace

Posted Using INLEO

 3 days ago  

I don't think that any employer would ask their employee to submit their phones. They just ask their handles maybe to scrutinize how aid out the employee's page is and all of that. Personally, I think that employees should be able to say no and not lose out of their jobs. It's their personal space, by the way.


Yeah, employers shouldn't ask the employees to submit their phones because it's personal.

 3 days ago  

For the asking of employees to submit phones, naaaah! It's not idea. Although I've heard about companies that don't allow usage of phones in working ours hence they submit the phones before work.

 3 days ago  

I don't accept too.

 3 days ago  

Well, I understand and love your perspective. I think LinkedIn is available for employers to check the quality of employees or potential employees for an organization. Our social media lives should remain distinct and only accessible when the need for accountability arises


Yes, LinkedIn is available and it's good to use this platform for potential employees. Thank you.

 47 minutes ago  

You're welcome

 2 days ago  

This is the problem. Employers feel at peace only when they harass their employees. I think some employers keep thinking about how to harass their employees.
After all, how will they get any type benefit from someone's private information.
Its illogical thinking.


Some employers are like that. If they don't embarrass their employees they won't be at peace, which is not good. Those employees can stop favor reaching you as the employer. Peaceably living with all members is required.

Thank you.