The Christmas season: All preparations are in place.

in Hive Learners3 months ago

Hello, everyone.

Welcome to my blog and another wonderful edition of the Hive Learners' featured post. The festive season is here already, as we are just a few days away from the 25th of December. The Christmas celebration is one that is celebrated globally, though not everyone celebrates the big day, but at least it is a holiday for everyone. Many don't look forward to this season because of the celebration but for the holiday that comes with it. The time of the year when we get to spend time with family and friends since everyone is caught up in their own lives and trying to make it better, but this season offers us the opportunity to make memories we can look back at and smile.


It is a season of excitement, especially for kids. Those days, as kids, during this season, you get new clothes, get to eat different delicacies, and in some neighborhoods, you can go from house to house and eat till you get extremely full. As a kid, you get to enjoy this festive season without even spending a penny, but it's funny how the excitement is not always so for adults, as they have to spend a lot to make it happen. This year my family and I don't plan to spend the festive season in the state where we reside, so for now there hasn't been much preparation ongoing as they plan to do it all when they arrive in our hometown.

Our house is one of those where the celebration starts early; the whole spending the festive season in our hometown has kind of altered the tradition or manners in which things are done during the festive season. Even though there hasn't been much preparation around the house, you can still feel that Christmas is in the air, as they have purchased what will be needed to make the celebration happen when they get to the village and are still purchasing, as they are not done purchasing, because from the image my sister sent me on WhatsApp, I can see a few things still missing.

Screenshot of my chat with my sister.

The years we spend it in the state where we reside, today being the 23rd of December, is when they get to fry chinchin so as to reduce the workload on everyone on the 24th, which is when we normally kill the goat, chicken, or cow for some years where we were part of a cooperative society that does that, but this year is different as we will be travelling to the village. I am still in school and will join them in the village soon, but today they will be killing the goat as well as trying to dry the meat, as they will have to convey it to the village on the 24th.

Image from chats with my sister.

Mom plans to fry this year's chinchin on the 25th morning in the village since there will be cousins and extended family members around to help and get the job done, which means it will not take a lot of time like when we do it just on our own. So far so good, Christmas is really here, and the signs are all over, as everywhere you turn, both online and offline, you are reminded of the season that is upon us. Using this opportunity to wish us all a merry Christmas in advance.


Send your address ASAP, I need to be in your house to eat all these on ground 😋😋😋

Merry Christmas 🎄🎄

 3 months ago  


You are always welcome, bring your spoon o. Wishing you too merry Christmas and a prosperous new year ahead.

 3 months ago  

How nice it is to know that you celebrate with your family and that soon you will be gathered at the table between laughter and words, sharing moments.

I hope you enjoy the goat and that it turns out delicious, I hope you can take photos and share them!

Here, although I celebrate it being alone, I am also preparing, I already have my main dish.

Merry Christmas, may you receive many gifts.

 3 months ago  

Any reason why you are celebrating alone?

I wish you too a merry Christmas and a prosperous new year ahead.

 3 months ago  

I have no family, wife or children. My friends are virtual and are in other parts of the world.

 3 months ago  

I wish you all the best in this season dear friend, enjoy the season.