New Year, New Habits.

in Hive Learners3 months ago

Hello, everyone.

Welcome to my blog and another wonderful edition of the Hive Learners' featured post. The festive season is over, and we are now in a new year. It is that time of the year when people make plans on how they intend to live their lives, things they plan to achieve, things they plan to be involved in, and things they will not be seen doing; all these are things many people plan at the beginning of the year. Some keep to it, and some just say it as mere words and do not work towards achieving it.

The year 2024 was filled with ups and downs, but somehow we managed to pull through. Now we are in 2025, and every new year is like a second chance to do things differently and try to correct our past mistakes and avoid making the same mistakes. The new year just started, and some people already have their plans in place and are working towards achieving them already, while others are still warming up to start pursuing their plans, with no procrastination, as the clock is ticking, and it is important that we start early to pursue our goals so we will have enough time to work towards our goals.

2024 is over, and we are now in 2025. 2024 was a challenging year. Indeed, many people failed to achieve their goals, but that does not make the year 2024 a bad one. They were challenged, but those challenges do not mean we label the year as bad, and there are some people who did not even work towards achieving their goals. For many people, the beginning of the year is always meant for the planning of the year, the time to try to check out the mistakes made in the past year, and how to avoid making the same mistake in the new year.

We all as humans have a few habits that were a part of us in 2024 that we would not like to be part of us in 2025. Most of these habits are bad for our personal growth, and if we continue to live with them, they might hinder our growth, so for me, one habit I would like to do away with in 2025 is the habit of procrastination. For each time I procrastinated, I either missed an opportunity or had to work double in order to meet up as it is expected of me. It is no news that procrastination has negative effects, and I have had my fair share of it, and in this year, 2025, I don't want to experience that anymore.

The changes I plan to put into action this new year.

One change I plan to make in this new year is concerning my savings and investments; I need to work on and improve my savings and investments habit. Last year I did very little when it comes to savings and investments, but this year I want to do more and improve more so that at the end of the year I can be proud of my investment and savings, as I wasn't proud of my result from last year.

Happy New Year. All images used are mine.

 3 months ago  

Procrastination is one thing that has been killing the youth of this day

 2 months ago  

Exactly and many think it's a flex.

 3 months ago  

You are correct; every new year is a second chance given to us to do things differently, and I love this.

Concerning your savings and investments you can grow it with determination.

 2 months ago  

I am definitely going to give it my all because I want to see results this year.

Thanks for dropping by movie plug 🫂.