Freedom of speech and what comes after.

in Hive Learners8 hours ago

Hello, everyone.

Welcome to my blog and another wonderful edition of the Hive Learners' featured post. Lately, human rights violations have become normal around the world. Those in power exercise their power by taking away the rights of others. Human rights for middle class individuals only exist in the constitution; humans are not allowed to exercise their rights as no one knows what comes later after they try to. These days exercising your human rights is at your own risk, which is why we all keep quiet and watch our rights get violated. There is a lot at stake when you try to exercise those rights we have been made to believe we have.


Everyone with a smartphone who visits social media often should be familiar with the meme, or should I say the threatening quote "freedom after speech is not assured." This alone shows you how much of our rights we are not allowed to exercise, but instead of taking it more seriously, we joke around with it. The right to ownership of properties, freedom of speech, and all are continuously violated both by the government that is supposed to ensure our safety and the rich and powerful. With all that I have seen happen both online and offline, I have drawn the conclusion that only the rich have rights, while the middle class or masses only have written rights but cannot exercise them.

Can our right to free speech be taken away?

In some cases we can exercise our constitutional rights where we are allowed to say whatever we have in mind and exercise that right to speak freely as it is our constitutional right, and as humans and citizens we have the right to say what we want, but the only thing that stops us from saying whatever we have in mind is what comes after we must have aired all that we have in mind. This is where the threatening quote from earlier comes into play, as you are free to say whatever you want, but staying free after saying what you have in mind depends on who you are and the type of strings you can pull.

Then there are cases where, before you even exercise your right, they have been taken away from you already. Cases where one is up against the government. I watched a Korean movie about the involvement of government officials in a plane crash and how they tried to silence everyone that tried to dig into the case. We have cases like that in real life where one cannot fight, and even if they try, it seems like they are fighting a battle that was lost before it even started. In cases like this, our right to freedom of speech is taken and we are forced to watch things play without saying a word unless we want to pay the ultimate price.

Can we really be stopped from saying what we have in mind?

Yes, we can be stopped from saying what we really have in mind sometimes because of the fear of what comes after we must have said it, and sometimes when it poses a threat to those in power and they try to buy one off or force them to stay silent. We can lose our right to speak freely when we are up against those high and mighty or those with power and influence.

In a nutshell, exercising your right to speak freely as a middle-class individual depends on who or what you are up against. Once you are up against the high and mighty, then your rights to speak freely are violated, and it hurts how one is forced to watch it all go by.

 7 hours ago  

It is a common thing that has been seen that if you say something against a powerful person, then later that person causes you a lot of harm. I have seen many times that there is a journalist and he writes something true about a powerful person and the truth is such that it can spoil the image of that powerful person, then many times in such a case the person first tries to buy the journalist but when that journalist is honest then some physical harm is done to him.

It actually what comes after the speech that matters and not before the speech. This is the level at which corruption has eaten up deep. Even when you know the truth you become afraid to speak out. God has mercy on us
Thanks for sharing