Economic Situation, Children and Parents' Sins

in Hive Learners2 months ago (edited)

Hello everyone? How are you? I hope you are doing well. This topic is really interesting and it turns out that after I reflected on it, this is also what happened to me. The sins of parents and their impact on children, do children receive the impact? I will answer this depends. Why does it depend?

First, the situation. If you are born into a lower middle class family, you will get it. I want to tell you my personal experience. Not to judge, but this is a valuable lesson for me. My father and mother married without the blessing of my mother's family. My maternal grandfather did not approve of my mother and father's relationship.

The sin of a father who did not receive blessings from his mother's family. For me, it hurt, the impact was felt. I often thought, I thought that family was not a safe space for me and my younger sibling. Especially when both of my parents died. My father was only a santri and a factory worker. While my grandfather wanted my mother's husband to be from the military. That's what caused the blessing to be blocked.

I don't know for sure how the journey went, but since I was little, I have always been ostracized by my cousins, uncles and aunts. It felt like whatever I did was always wrong. Even though I had achievements, I certainly would not be seen. The phase towards adulthood, I enjoyed campus life more. because there I felt appreciated and seen.

came the phase when my father died. From there, I was really ostracized. Not considered. My family will be recognized when my mother and I bring enough food and share good things. It's so sad. I have to be in the 'rich' phase to be recognized.

Lastly, when my mother died. It felt like whatever I took was always wrong. First, when my younger sibling went to college. I was judged and considered arrogant. At the same time, I had to think about the funeral costs, which no one wanted to help with my mother's funeral costs.

At this stage I realized, the hatred and dislike of my extended family towards my father still existed. Even though I was growing up. However, I saw a number of families who experienced the same thing with improving economic conditions. What I felt, would not happen.

What about my father's family? My father's family accepted me. I was always loved by my grandmother and aunt. When I went to college and came home late, I was welcomed. There was no name blaming and judging when I came home late. Children should not have to feel things like this.


Picture by Nurdiani Latifah

About Author

Nurdiani Latifah

My name is Nurdiani Latifah. I live in Jakarta – Indonesia, and after 25 years I live in Bandung. I am a media staff at an NGO in Indonesia. I have worked in this institution for almost 2 years on issues of women and peace. I have been a journalist in Bandung for 3 years.

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 2 months ago  

I feel your pained i also experienced such growing up with most of my family

 2 months ago  

it turns out we inherited the same original sin

Agree, children should not have to feel left out, even if the family does not approve of the parents' marriage, it's not like the children did that?

 2 months ago  

agreed, treatment of children must be differentiated. Thank for stoping by

 2 months ago  

You really passed through a lot and it's never an easy experience to loose both parents

 2 months ago  

Thank you for supporting me

 2 months ago  

You're welcome

Being put in a lower bracket because parents couldn't earn enough money is something I have seen first hand. But those people who were ostracized this way have went on to do great things. Our society is so fast to judge us based on something which we didn't even had our hands in. Pretty pathetic.

 2 months ago  

i agree with you. it seems hard to change

 2 months ago  

Thank you