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RE: The Value Of One Cent! #storytelling

in Hive Learners2 years ago

To me every cent matters, here in Nigeria, almost all stores have similar design of 99 in products for sale, indirectly asking the customers to leave the change for them. Just like the illustration you gave at the beginning, your uncle ignored 1 rupee , forgetting that it can compound to get something tangible. I have been given all these sugary sweet in exchange for my 1 cent but most times, I refuse 😂😂, why forcing me to buy what I didn't plan all because you want to pocket my 1 cent. I only accept to have those sugary sweet if they search very well for my change without success ..

 2 years ago  

I only accept to have those sugary sweet if they search very well for my change without success

That's the way to go. I also do this just failed to deliver most of my thoughts properly. I didn't count cultural differences and forgotten people have different economic systems. Brazil is cool is this regard. If it's 99 they will only charge 95. They round off to 5, not the nearest but what benefits the customer most. I learned a lot from this heated blog. It's good that I wrote and people bombarded me with different opinions and especially brazil ones.

 2 years ago  

Brazil is cool is this regard. If it's 99 they will only charge 95.

Now this is so good of them instead of the other way round

I have seen so much comments u got on this's good that you expressed yourself, and hearing the thought of others...