The Evolution of Social Media | Challenges and Opportunities

in Hive Learners3 years ago (edited)

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As social beings we have to interact with each other to maintain better social relations, the continuity of social relations cannot be separated from the way we interact and communicate, "If our communication is good, then our social relations are also good. If our communication is bad, then our social relations are also bad"

Every country has a different culture in building social relations, for example in my country Indonesia, social relations are built through customs and friendship, before the advent of social media people kept in touch from house to house, from one place to another. For example, when someone invites someone to his house for the event, that person comes directly to his neighbor to say that there will be a wedding at home, I hope you come. However, after the advent of social media, the way people invited only sent invitations as wide as social media. This is one of the changes in social relations that have occurred in my country. Of course, not all countries have the same culture in building social relations.

Every era will definitely change, we know that there used to be the stone age, the writing age, and also the millennial age, so now we are in the age of social media, an extraordinary technology or also called metavers, there are also those who call the web3 age, an advancement technology that we must support and use as best we can for positive purposes.

Talking about the Evolution of Social Media, I agree with what has been conveyed in the points as mentioned in this topic:

The Evolution of Social Media

Social Media came to the forefront about ten to fifteen years ago and since then it has grown in popularity and there will be no stopping it. Over the years, more platforms have emerged and changes have been made to existing ones. Tell us two reasons you like social media. And also two reasons you feel it is bad.

Of course, social media will be a medium for connecting all human beings, not only between regions but also between countries. Who can imagine one polarized north and one polarized south being able to connect via social media, with social relationships getting easier to build and enhance because there are media liaisons that do not limit them. We have to admit that this happened because of the hard work of ancient people who have provided various social media to be used by people today, we should give appreciation to those who have provided a technology for us.

However, the presence of social media can not only provide a positive atmosphere for mankind, even the presence of social media can make people do negative things, for example committing fraud, cheating on someone, etc.

So we need to realize that the presence of social media has a negative impact and a positive impact. Therefore, as social media users, we must wisely use social media, lest the social media we use can give a negative response or negative actions for the community.

I personally have several reasons why I like social media and also why I don't like social media.

Two Reasons I Love Social Media.

1. Social Media Can Strengthen Friendship (Silaturahmi).

We can see real evidence today, Blockhain HIVE social media has become one of the social media that can increase kinship, togetherness. We are connected to each other, exchanging information, from Nigeria, Poland, Indonesia and from other countries connected through the HIVE platform. This is a show that the presence of social media has a good impact on the continuity of human social relations.

I admit that with social media it is easy for us to connect with each other and exchange information, this is what makes me love social media. If we didn't know each other before, now we know each other between countries. Social media is love, love is social media. This expression is used for those of us who use social media well and wisely.

2. Social Media & Easy Information.

The second reason I like social media is that it is easy to find information, for example, if we want to know about certain regional foods, the book of Isa looks at the media that provides food in that area. Likewise, with information about a natural disaster, we can easily find out through social media. This positive thing has driven me to love social media.

Two Reasons I Don't Like Social Media.

1. Spread of Hoax and Fraud News

With so many social media popping up, hoaxes & frauds are increasingly happening, as happened in my country, scams to get car prizes from certain companies, scams about getting promos, and also scams about online shopping. Likewise with Hoax news, it makes me very upset, as happened during legislative and executive elections, there were so many black campaigns that vilified certain parties and certain people. Hoax news is widely spread on social media, so it can make us misinterpret the news if we do not verify the authenticity of the news.

2. The destruction of the younger generation.

Believe it or not, various studies of social media have influenced the learning process of children. The millennial generation spends a lot of time playing social media instead of studying, this research happened in Indonesia. I am very worried that the biggest challenge for a mother in the future is how to save her children from social media, if one places the use of social media it will damage the way of thinking of children. On social media, children can access any information such as porn, gambling, violence, and others. If children are not under parental supervision in using social media, this can affect the growth and development of these children.

This view of the destruction of the younger generation depends on how the environment guides him, such as parents having to explain that social media should be used as a medium of learning. However, this is not easy to do, it must be done in stages. Hopefully the younger generation in the world can use social media for learning media.

That's my brief review of The Evolution of Social Media, and also the reasons why I like social media and why I don't like social media. All of us will certainly continue to face problems in using social media, but our best step is to use social media wisely. "Do something positive through social media, stay negative" so we will provide something good for generations to come.

All criticism and suggestions from Friends of Hive are all welcome.

 3 years ago  

the right choice, hopefully we can be brothers with everyone here.


 3 years ago  

Of course brotherhood will be beautiful with social media to exchange information.

Thank you for the warm welcome.

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 3 years ago  

Everything that has advantage has disadvantages. A lot is gained from social media no doubt, but about the disadvantages you mentioned, I think it is best not to believe everything you hear in social media. A whole lot of twisted news exist in social media.

As for our youths, it is good for them to get informed but for real many academic performances of these children have dropped due to intense use of social media

 3 years ago  

Children need special assistance from parents and the environment. It is the duty of all of us to protect them.

 3 years ago  

This is why we need to make use of social media in the right way so we can benefit more for ourselves. Social media is now so easy and quicker to relate with, send messages via pictures and videos to another without moving out of our house.

 3 years ago  

I agree. Utilizing social media in a better direction will bring good generations to come.

 3 years ago (edited) 

Social media is a great source of distraction, especially among those that are easily swayed by things they see with their eyes. We all just have to be steadfast when making use of social media so we camnn get what we want.
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 3 years ago  

I have tried deleting it. But I don't have enough HP to update it. Will you help me?


 3 years ago  

Sir @bruno-kema. I've managed to change it