The Apple Doesn't Fall Far: Made with Love

in Hive Learnerslast year (edited)

Back in primary school our teachers used to ask us a question which goes this way. If both of your parents are drowning in the sea and you could save one, who would you go for. This question was a really tricky one and even as kids we knew. Most people would go in for the parent they liked most and most of the time that turned out to be the mom.

Just last weekend I spoke with a friend and he was hell bent on getting me to accept that African kids gang up with their moms to torment their dads. He went on to further explain how kids hold grudges with their dads because he was holding a grudge with their mom. It was a really funny talk we had but it was somehow true in one way or the other. Some African dads don’t make much time for their kids so they are mostly left with their moms. They’d obviously gang up against you in a situation like this. Personally, I don’t take sides when it comes to my parents. I prefer to be on the right side always.😅

Having my family in my life is the best thing I could ever ask for. My parents have played a very important role in my life and I can’t imagine a day without them. No one is perfect and we all know that. Even though they’re my parents, they still have their shortcomings but that doesn’t mean I should disown them. As we always work on getting better we must also give our parents the opportunity to do better.

When it comes to traits , we mostly hear about how they say you shouldn’t marry a dumb woman because your kids take their intelligence from their mom. I don’t know how true that is but I know both of my parents are smart because I am. When it comes to my looks, I look more like my dad and a little bit like my mom. My dad is a very tall person and he isn’t really fat , same as me.

My dad is a very quiet person and he doesn’t go where he’s not welcome. I really like this about him because being in your lane saves you so much drama. One trait I would say I inherited from my dad would be his calm nature and how he handles situations. Growing up, you would always find me rolling with my dad. Wherever he’s going, I will be in the front seat with him. It was like we were inseparable. During this time, we had so many conversations and from what he spoke about and how I saw him handle stuff, he was a very thoughtful person.

For every decision he makes, he would make sure to think it through over and over again and weigh all the options before making a decision. Looking at myself, I believe we have so much in common with this regard. Before I do something, I would have thought about it for weeks or even months, weighed my options and all other factors before deciding. This saves my so much trouble and also helps me achieve great result.

My mom on the other hand has her way around people. She’s able to fit in anywhere with any kind of person. She treats people so well and she has this warmth that draws people to her. She doesn’t discriminate, gossip or even look down on others and aside all these, she’s a good cook. Who wouldn’t want to be with someone like her. Even though I don’t have so much patience as my mom, I know that I possess all of the above qualities of hers. I’m a big extrovert and a talkative, if you know me. I like meet new people, hold meaningful conversations and build strong bonds. I believe strongly that I inherited all these qualities from my mom.

In one way or the other, there’s always a little trait of our parents in us because we came from them. But it’s up to is to find out the good in us and harness it. No one is going to be responsible for your wrong doings aside you. So be you, because you’re unique.

all images belong to me.


I can see the close resemblance. You have a beautiful family.

 last year  

thank you.

 last year (edited) 

I believe occasionally children tends to take the sides of one of their parents and it is mostly mother's because most of us have this emotional attachment with our mothers. Father in general are men of few words. Looking at your dad it is do obvious that your looks comes from him.

 last year  

some dads are not men of few words oo. 😂😂 They make so much time for their kids and thats the right way.
Thanks for passing by.

You look more like your mum yunno

 last year  

Oh really, I didn’t know.

You do know... You took her beauty

 last year  

How beautiful it is to have such loving parents you can learn from... You are very lucky

 last year  

Thank you very much. I’m happy to have them

 last year  

This is like the second time I’ve seen your dad’s picture and I feel there’s some resemblance between him and Yahuzah😂😂😂😂

 last year  

Ha! God forbid.😂😂😂

Yahuzah will now be feeling like a big boy.