In the city of Paris, several helicopters are seen in the sky and people do not know why. Inexplicably it begins to rain, the sky fills with clouds and these without any justification begin to descend to earth.
Suddenly, a strong earthquake begins, all this in fractions of a second before people begin to run desperately.
This is the beginning of a science fiction story that I am developing, if you have any idea of how to continue it I accept your suggestions. Mentally this is what I imagine to illustrate these ideas.

The present image is my property and corresponds to a painting that my uncle discarded, but before that I took a picture with my Umidigi F2 cell phone. It is the basis for my collage:

Images from Pixabay:
The images taken from Pixabay were processed with the image editor Clipping Magic, I proceeded to remove the elements that interested me to place them in the matrix image, which I am modifying through the Paint 3D software.
I located the images in the place I imagined and proceeded to apply a blue filter.
With the BlogGif image editor I chose to apply a shaking effect:
And finally I decided to increase the image size:
This is my participation in the Creative Sunday Initiative Link Here. A great opportunity to express creativity and learn from other content creators.
Greetings to all, I hope the collage is to your liking, happy week.
Earthquake stories make me nervous, I wouldn't know how to finish your story, I keep thinking, greetings.
Thank you for being present. Regards
Hello @nbarrios67 we would actually appreciate it if you're more detailed when making your post. You mentioned something about "removing the elements you needed" but didn't explain to us how you removed it, what tools in particular that was used and how you used them.
Someone trying to replicate the same thing you've done here using your post would find it difficult due to lack of information. So please explain in details next time and try to make your post above the 300 word count as that is the accepted word count for Creative Sunday.
Hi @prayzz. You are absolutely right, I have been a little careless and I have not followed the rules of the community. Thanks for correcting me, I will be more careful. Best regards.