Beyond imaginations 

in Hive Learners2 days ago

Sometimes I just wish we could live without technology, because what technology has done to us in bad ways is more, but anytime I think of the good things it has done, I will just be like, I think we need more of this. From the simple to the hard ones, technology has really been helpful to each and every one of us. Talking about what is common, AI, we all know the usefulness of this particular thing. Although it can be used for a lot of bad things at the same time, especially using it to steal is very possible.


All that aside, I was on Twitter the other day, and I saw a tweet that talked about a billion-dollar project—I mean, a robot that is built to do house chores and make sure the children are safe. This particular robot was designed for so many things; it can welcome a visitor and massage your body. In fact, prepare coffee for you if you are tasty. I read the features of the robot, and I realized it has lots of activities. In fact, if the parents are not around, you can easily live with your kids with the robot, and they will be safe. Although it's very expensive, the fact that technology has gone that far means a whole lot of things.

Just when I was scrolling on Web 2, I also saw something that amazed me online, and that was how they built a different arm entirely for someone who lost his arm. I took my time to see all the processes at which it will be done. Sometimes I find it so hard to believe if technology can really go that far. This is because the fact that you can build another arm for someone who lost his arm is so amazing. And the most amazing part is that the arm also matches the color of the person, so it is so hard to differentiate between the fake arm and the original arm.


So many things like that have happened in the past based on technology; now the question is how far can technology go in the year 2050.

The first thing I'm sure about is the artificial intelligence. By the year 2050, it would have dominated the world to the extent that you will hardly see something that humans can do that artificial intelligence will not do better. I just hope artificial intelligence wouldn't be running the world then.

Also, there will be so many changes in the educational system. I believe everything will be too easy because there is technology, and then more people will not be serious with their education, unlike the old days. You will hardly even see anyone who will be ready to use his or her brain for education anymore since the world has evolved around tech.
Lastly, there will be powerful machines, power cars, and luxuries tech cars that can do anything. In fact, I won't be surprised if cars now fly; even now we have something like that.
In summary, I can't just imagine what technology will look like in the year 2050. But I know it will create something good and something bad.


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In as much as we've suffered a lot from technology in various ways, we can't deny the fact that we have also enjoyed a lot from it and that's it will always be a hard nut to crack to let it go.

In various sectors, technology is really amazing and coming through making things a lot easier to deal with