Yes, I will do, are all the words I will like to go back and say if am give 10 minute time frame to change something my past. Sometime we made some decision which we feel was the best for us at a point in time in our life, but did not turn out to favour us at the long run.
I used to have this aunty of mine who was doing financially okey at some point. And that year, she wanted to travel abroad. And me also just finished writing my junior school examination. I visited her, and we got talking. She introduced a business she thought has prospect, and wanted me to key into that business.
In the year 2005, phones were not this available to everyone as it is now , only few people who were financially OK were able to buy phones and sim cards at that time. The least airtime one can get was for two thousand naira. And sim cards cost almost 50 thousand naira at that time. "Lucky, since you be staying at home for three months, why not I open a phone book and recharge card selling centre for you as gift from me to you since a relocating overseas. My aunty said. " no I will prefer you enrol me in computer lesson." I said, without giving it a good thought.
By 2006, my friend that started that business that same years was rolling in cash. He was already dealing In Wholesale. That business make him a millionaire within a year.
Latter in future, I regretted not taking my Aunty's offer to start that business. With this week question, 10 minute is an enough time for me to change that decision. Yes, I will do it, is all i need to say. And ten minute is enough for that.
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