Bribing and corruption

in Hive Learners3 years ago (edited)

When you hear the saying, nothing goes for nothing in an office setting, just know that bribing and corruption is about to take place.

Not too long ago, my country was ranked the 11th most corrupt countries in the world. And we jokingly said, even in the ranking, corruption was involved, if not, we should have been ranked first.

Photo source

Bribing and corruption is so normalized in my country that, when seeking for any job or employment, you have to make provision for brown envelop to be given to the person who is in the position to give you the work, even if it is a government employment.

The corruption is in very place and sector. It is even more pathetic that the place which is supposed to be the last hope of a common man is in the forefront of the corruption, I mean the law court.

Let me share a story. After my graduation from school, I started job hunting, my shoes got worn from walking from one office to another in search for work. I can remember, I made 120 photocopies of my c.v which i shared to different companies and offices. Five Among all the companies I submitted my c.v to, called for an interview, Which was not really an interview. I got to the office where I was supposed to be interviewed. There sat a man wearing a suit, " good morning Sir " I greeted the man. " morning" he replied with his head buried in a file he was holding. Have your seat he said. I drew the chair out and i sat opposite him, because There was a drawer in between us. There was a hiatus of about 50 seconds without anyone saying anything. He then drew the drawer open and brought out some papers and handed me the paper, in it was boldly written, federal ministry of education. It was a letter of appointment but there was no name on it. " if you want your name on it, hand me #500,000 naira" he said, but this time looking at me right in my eyes. I was desperately looking for work. If I had that money at that time I would have given him. That was how I was denied the employment and the subsequent ones.

Bribing and corruption has cause ineffective in offices and companies where a square peg is put in a round hole, which will definitely give a wrong result.

Corruption is one of the canker worm that had eaten deep into the fabric of the nation Nigeria that caused it downfall.