I was surprised to see this first digital dustbin in Sirajganj

in Hive Learners3 years ago

Hello friends, I hope you are all well. I'm much better. Today I came to visit Sirajganj city, the main purpose of traveling in Sirajganj city was to create a digital dustbin of Sirajganj. I first heard of this and came to see what a digital dustbin looks like.

This is the first digital dustbin made in Sirajganj city. Sirajganj Mayor Mukta Saheb is working for the betterment of Sirajganj city. So this is the first time in Sirajganj district that a digital dustbin has been made in Sirajganj.
In fact, I came to see what a digital dustbin looks like. When I saw this digital dustbin, at first I thought it was not a dustbin. It may be that some other new technology has been put on the road in Sirajganj. But I found out later that it was a dustbin. This dustbin has a sherry on both sides and a clock in the middle. The two doors are very nice looking very nice. This dustbin was inaugurated today.



এই ডিজিটাল ডাস্টবিনয়ে দুদিক থেকে ময়লা ফেলা যায়। আর এই ময়লা কখনোই চারিপাশে দুর্গন্ধ ছড়াবে না। এটা ডিজিটাল ডাস্টবিনের একটি গুণ। আর এই ময়লা হাত দিয়ে তুলতে হবে না। এটা অটোমেটিক্যালি ট্রাকের মধ্যে দেওয়া যাবে। এই ডিজিটালটি সত্যিই অসাধারণ এবং পরিবেশ বান্ধব। এটি পরিবেশের জন্য খুবই গুরুত্বপূর্ণ ভূমিকা রাখবে। বায়ু দূষণ এই ডাস্টবিন দ্বারা কখনোই হবে না। পরিবেশ সুন্দর করতে এই ডাস্টবিন খুবই গুরুত্বপূর্ণ।



This digital dustbin will play a very important role for the people of Sirajganj. Eco-friendly, it will protect the environment in the city of Sirajganj. So I think these digital dustbins will play a very important role in every district.

👉🌹💐 Best Regards @masudrana99🌞

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