Educating children is the most important thing in the world.

"The happiness of a child is the health of society."
<< Gilbert Chesterton >>

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio at Pexels.com
Greetings Hive Learners community.
Today's prompt is about Paternity Leave and I am here to give my opinion on this topic.
In reality, I have always thought that marriage is a contract between two parties.
Two people come together to have a better quality of life, achieve a purpose and forge their dreams. And starting from that principle, I believe that the difficulties and benefits that this couple has throughout their lives should be shared.
So I think that men should also enjoy a time of rest just as it is currently offered to women in different countries.
Since it is common that in different cultures women are given leave after having a child. Even before, they have a special grace period to be able to take care of all prenatal matters and after pregnancy also to care for the child.
I think it is very important that men are given the opportunity to get to know and share the child because imagine the first months of the child's stage are the most important and during those months he needs the presence of his parents equally and at the same time.
Give permission only to the mother because obviously the mother will spend more time with the child, leaving aside the father who will spend more time dedicating himself to his work without being able to share with his son or daughter.
So in this sense I think that we should think about what is best not only for the couple but also what is best for the child who is the important figure in this issue from my point of view.
And on the other hand, a balance should be sought so that both the woman and the man enjoy the same benefits, and share that time at home or that time that is given to him to be able to take care of these matters.

Image from Taras Yasinski at Pixabay
Share the tasks because I commented in another publication from a colleague that the house is not going to clean itself while the woman or the husband is taking care of the child, so the woman would also have the task of taking care of the child while she is at home, and additionally all the housework such as cleaning, cooking and all that.
Then she would have a very heavy additional load and the man would be working for He wouldn't be able to take care of that, he would end up tired after work having to do housework like cleaning, cooking, etc.
It doesn't seem like the most appropriate thing to me.
I think there should be a middle ground in all of this and find the balance like that.
That I opt and give my vote because the gentlemen are given the same time as the ladies to be able to share with their children and also be able to enjoy the benefits.
I think that the ideal thing for everyone to win, including the companies, is that the time If the shared time were alternated, that is to say that the father could be at home for two days, for example, two days working in this way, as a balance and well-being could be achieved for the couple, for the child, and for the company.
In this way everything would be more rational, I think this would be a good solution to this issue.

This is my black cat "manclar", this account is to honor his dead (it happened years ago).
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The text dividers were made by me using aseprite
Cuando se tiene hijos , se tiene responsabilidad , cuando se comprometen ya es una ejecución obligada. En el caso de Venezuela es un tema que le corresponde desde la familia y la intervención de un Estado ( muy poco se ve) pero la paternidad y maternidad es algo que se debe asumir. Siempre ha existido un desnivel en este asunto , en términos jurídicos y sociales . Lásp
It is a law of life, grow, live, educate and learn.
The father's role is important for the kids growing, not only providing income to the house. Nowadays both parents share many of the tasks to not overload one of them with one responsability.
Absolutely, the father must be present, well both must be present equally, currently there is a lot of imbalance in that, leaving the women in charge of the house.
I agree with what you say, caring for a child should be the responsibility of both partners. Not just the mother. I do not give more...
Best regards @manclar
I have always thought about it, but nowadays, they want to leave everything to one of the two...that is wrong in many ways, I don't agree.
but each head is a world, what do I know?
Every head is a world and every world a head...sorry...but I'm low on energy to think...in any case, very good post. And I'm off... until tomorrow...
It's okay, I'm not in that high spirits today either, the day is very strange...my biorhythm is down, everything is wrong...
see you tomorrow, take care tree.
Exacto @manclar concuerdo contigo, el padre es parte fundamental durante esos primeros días, deberían revisar eso.
It is one of the most vital and important parts to be able to grow as a family, but in this crazy world that we live in, it is not done...