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RE: Forgetting, my Superpower [EN/PT]

in Hive Learners3 months ago

Well, it's strange what you say about working with that woman and not remembering her, I suppose you have what I call selective memory, that you remember only what you really consider important for your life. In my case it is like this, I only store what represents events or people that are important to my life. It's funny how the brain works, and it's not because you're 30, I'm 57 and I'm telling you that I forget certain things, like for example yesterday I had to pay a utility bill, and I forgot, doing this thing that made me They charge more for being late in paying 1 day. Mysteries of the human brain, which are very interesting, should one day put this brain as a main topic in HL.

note: a hug, I always really enjoy reading what you write.


 3 months ago  

Exactly, it's a kind of selective memory. I don’t know how I could forget that woman’s name or even that I knew her! Sometimes things get complicated because of memory loss haha. Thanks for the compliment, it really motivates me a lot!!