Your beard grew more with this publication (joke 😂)
The truth is fascinating and very intelligent the way you present "time" in this publication, really we all receive it at the same point, but starting from that idea, then all people celebrate birthdays at the same point, and also certain religious ceremonies at the same time. It is quite curious to imagine that a Muslim and a Catholic celebrate some event on the same day (I don't know if that's the case, it's just hypothetical, but I think you understand my point).
And also all the people who die at a certain solar point have the same date of death, meaning that they somehow share the same destiny.
Thinking about the possibilities of this makes me philosophize about life and situations.
You are a very interesting guy, I appreciate you!
For now I baptize you as the most interesting witness I know! 😀
some cultures use the lunar calendar so they have the new year in different instances and it isn't relative to the Sun like us. It can have different problems but some people think it is less confusing sometimes than our calendar! Despite what calendar we choose it is all man-made to try to establish time periods.
Well I always like to think about our ways and where we are. I like to debate about that =P
thanks for the compliments hehe!
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