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RE: 'Home Sweet Home' Artwork!

in Hive Learners6 months ago

Please understand I can’t share all the details in this comment, so please don’t judge. The point is, I care about others deeply, but I won't tolerate anyone who intentionally harms my circle.

It is very understandable and brave of you to tell me publicly, for which I thank you, for showing your vulnerabilities and what you are going through.

I believe that all things in life have a pattern, I make an analogy with an algorithm, if x situation happens = such an event will occur, and that is how things happen, at least that is how I have observed it during my life.

Regarding your father, I hope you manage to achieve a better quality of life, because that is the most important thing when you suffer from different illnesses, I know this because I also suffer from several conditions in my body, and I share diabetes with you. father, so I know how difficult it has been for me (I have a bleeding ulcer on my leg that has not healed for 5 months, due to my diabetes it is difficult to do so).

And about the agent, well I hope that the law is in charge of resolving that quickly.

I may write a detailed blog about what I'm sharing here, but I'm unsure if I'll write it, so let me tell you.

Thank you, I think you made the right decision. Regarding my personal affairs, I am very delicate when it comes to sharing them on the blockchain, since it is something very personal. So I respect your decision and it seems like the best one.

I would never ask you for details about something so personal, I really respect these types of things.

I also tell you that things are going to improve, because of the natural patterns that I have studied, everything follows a cycle, of growth - climax - decay and it is repeated until the patterns of each one are progressively altered. But this is a topic of conversation for another talk, for now, I thank you again for your explanation, you are a gentleman.