El no poder utilizar el transporte propio conlleva a todos los riesgos implícitos en el transporte colectivo. Eso de vehículos y calles en mal estado, conductores irresponsables , vehiculos que carecen de cosas basicas cono por ejemplo las bocibas...pensé que eran un problema nacional. Ahora veo que es mundial. Hay qué tener paciencia pero tratar de hacer lo que podamos para solventar estas cosas. Gracias por compartir. Éxito.
Not being able to use your own transportation entails all the risks implicit in collective transportation. That thing about vehicles and streets in poor condition, irresponsible drivers, vehicles that lack basic things such as horns for example... I thought they were a national problem. Now I see that it is global. We have to be patient but try to do what we can to solve these things. Thanks for sharing. Success.
I appreciate your visit. We all have roles to play anyways, some blame the Government but drivers and every road user should be cautioned too. Thanks again