Hi there @saimhassan welcome to Hive. As a newbie and writing your initial posts, I would suggest not to summarise information about Hive. It adds little value hence the lack of response on this post. Many people before you with much better and in depth knowledge of how Hive works have written many informative articles, many of which can be found on @newbies-guide. Whilst you are free to write pretty much anything you wish on Hive, it's dangerous to offer information to others when you've just joined the platform yourself because it will end up as the blind leading the blind.
Your comment
new comers like me won't have to explore and waste their time on different platforms as they can get a handful of what matters most just right here on PeakD
is 1 - pretty irresponsible as part of a newbies' journey is to do their own research and learn, that is never wasting their time. And 2 - indicates how little you know about Hive. There is no such thing as "here on PeakD". PeakD is a frontend, people can read this post on any of the many Hive frontends
Also, as a newbie, it is best to not use whales as a tag because it shows how desperate you are for attention and support, and that is never a good thing on Hive.
Last and not the least, focusing on maximising rewards on Hive (not PeakD - again it shows your lack of understanding of things) is an unhealthy way to start your Hive journey. Hive is not a quick get rich scheme, if that is what you are expecting, I guarantee you will be disappointed.
Talk to @dlmmqb to learn more about Hive and its ecosystem to ensure you get a better understanding of things