What language will I love to learn?

in Hive Learners2 years ago

Good day to you all and welcome to my entry for the hive learners Week 24 - Edition 03 Topic which is centered around being bilingual.

Being able to speak another language, especially one that is popular around the world is a very useful skill because it can help you to easily connect with people who mainly speak that language. We all know there's a huge difference when you are speaking to someone in their native language rather than English, it makes them feel more comfortable

I had a hard time picking what language I would love to learn, my options were Spanish, Tagalog and French. Why Spanish? Because I love the way it sounds when I listen to someone very fluent with it and it's a popular language that's spoken in some countries around the world. I learned a bit of Spanish some years back using the Duolingo app and I will say it's a fairly easy language to learn

Why Tagalog? It's one of the official languages of the Philippines and the reason I considered it is because I have some friends from that region who are here on hive and also readcash. Sometimes I wish I can understand what they are saying when they start writing in Tagalog while interacting with other Filipinos.

Some of them have commented on my articles in Tagalog and I always have to use Google translate to figure out what they wrote and also to reply in Tagalog but it would be a lot more fun and easy if I could read and write the language. But if I am to pick just one language, then I am going with French

image by nimbus vulpis from unsplash

Why French?

I don't know if it's just me but the French language is actually easy to learn. Or maybe it's just easy for me? During my first 2 years in high school, french was one of the subjects being taught in the school and I was very good at it. I became the favorite of every French teacher that taught us within those two years because I always got the highest score at the end of every semester.

But sadly, French was removed in my third year and I think it was because the school couldn't find anyone to teach the language, that was how my journey to learning French ended. It has been over 12 years but I still remember some of the Phrases and sentences I learned back then. A lot of countries around the world have French as their official language, including countries in Africa.

In fact, over 20 countries in Africa have French as their official language! Isn't that impressive? I have been in Togo and Benin republic a few years ago and most people there could speak French fluently, I was a bit jealous, to be honest, and wished my high school didn't stop teaching the language many years ago, I know I would have been very good at it if I continued learning it over those years.

Image by vectorjuice on Freepik

Over 29 countries around the world speak French and it will be a very useful language when visiting those countries. Aside from it being useful, it's also a very nice language, it's melodious to the ears when you listen to someone who speaks it fluently and it's not surprising that it's the most romantic language in the world.

I just realized I miss French and I will probably start learning it again, but I think I have to learn how to speak my native language first (Igbo). It's funny that I can perfectly understand my native tongue but I can't speak it fluently. I can only piece together simple phrases and light sentences but it becomes a problem to speak longer sentences. It's such a shame, right? 😆

Thanks for reading 💖💖💖

Connect with me on:
Twitter: @kushyzeena
Readcash: @kushyzee

Lead image: Image by vwalakte on Freepik
Edited with Canva

 2 years ago  

So many languages out there. To be sincere, this language you just mentioned is something I have not heard before. May because it is philistine language.

Spanish is just my favorite.

 2 years ago  

I also didn't know about the Tagalog language until I joined read.cash last year and became friends with a lot of people from the Philippines

 2 years ago  

Wow! I thought you were a Yoruba guy oo 😅😅😅 so you are Igbo?

French is always sweet when you hear it from someone who can speak it fluently. The language is good and also beneficial in some countries.
I hope you can go back to learning French.

 2 years ago  

I'm Igbo o, but I don't look and speak like an Igbo person 😆 People usually think I'm a Yoruba or Bini guy when they first meet me

 2 years ago  

😂😂😂 I wouldn't have known if you didn't say it.

 2 years ago  

Mine is French, Japanese, and Spanish. I like hearing people here talking using those languages.. I want to learn too

 2 years ago  

I totally forgot about Japanese, I would also love to learn that because of the Japanese animes I watch, it's always nice to hear them speak Japanese. Can you speak Chinese Ate Jane?

 2 years ago  

No...haha.. Just little Cantonese.. I speak English here all the time haha

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Wow... You have quite the list of languages here. It's not impossible though. I'm sure you can do it.

Thank you for sharing this with us.

 2 years ago  

It can be possible to learn just one which will probably be French, the others will take a lot of time

How come you are not fluent in your native tongue? Do you only uses English most of the times? By the way, I have a cousin who married a French guy and she studied his language. She told me it wasn't easy. I guess it depends on the person and how much he/she loves to learn that language.

 2 years ago  

You're right about the reason why I'm not fluent in my native tongue, I mostly speak English 😆 I probably find French easy because I learnt the basics when I was a kid, children generally find it easier to learn a new language than adults

HAHAHA. I knew it! So many kids these days too who can't speak their own language because they learned English first. But yeah, I think it's a lot easier for kids to learn to speak other languages than adults. I guess because their brain is still fresh. HEHE

 2 years ago  

Exactly 😁 children's brain is a clean slate which makes it easier for them to pick up a new language, unlike we adults that already have a lot of things in our brain 😆