Good Day Everyone. We hope you are having a good day. Today, we are going to publish last week's highlighted creative contents of #creative-sunday campaign.
Though, as creativity knows no bounds, we won't be selecting any winners in particular as EVERYONE'S A WINNER in this campaign. We will be highlighting a few creative contents so that others can have an overall idea about this campaign and take inspiration & encouragement from these contents.
Start your day with a bowl of comforting Poha
This author, @preeti teaches how to make a recipe she calls Poha. According to the author, Poha, which is made of rice, comes in different varieties and is also very nutritious...reasons it is a famous delicacy in South Asia. If you're interested in learning how to make this dish, then head over to her post to learn all of the steps involved.
This author, @eunice9200 teaches us how to make a very popular snack in Nigeria known as Chin-chin. A snack that can be located almost anywhere in the world but under different names. According to the author, all of the ingredients involved in making these snacks are very essential, from the flour, down to the vegetable oil.
Butterfly mandala | Creative Sunday
This author, @anusheyahmad takes us to the world of art where they show us how not only to perfectly draw a butterfly, but to also add some beautiful mandala to it. The author's attention to detail is impeccable, making the art look a lot more beautiful.
If you're someone who reads a lot but always forgets where they left off whenever they go to do other tasks, this DIY from @aiuna will surely be useful to you. In this post, the author shows us how we could make a bookmark to help us remember the last place we read in a book...but what's even better is that the author gave it some designs, making it a lot stylish from your everyday bookmark.
In this post, this author @abhay2695 takes us to the world of memes where they talk about a bunch of topics that are bound to either make you laugh or at least smile. The author talks about the winter sun, to that friend who comes back from the big city and starts behaving differently, etc.
In this post, we have @oluwadrey taking us to the world of music where he introduces us to some gospel artists who go by the name Tim Godfrey and Travis Greene. In the video uploaded by the author, he sings a cover to their song titled Narakele.
Rules & Guidelines
Only one creative post per sunday for each member. Sending in more than one entry will cancel out everything.
You must use the tag #creative-Sunday as your first tag.
Plagiarism of any sort will not be condoned and will be swiftly acted upon.
The Creative Sunday starts at 00:00 and ends at 23:59 (according to your local time) on that same Sunday. Posts before and after that timeframe wont be considered.
You do not have to be a verified member to take part in the creative sunday campaign. You can participate as a guest member as well.
Detailed Rules & Guidelines (Arts & Sketch, Cooking, DIY)
Detailed Rules & Guidelines (Collage &. Meme)
Detailed Rules & Guidelines (Short Drama, Songs, Scientific Experiments)
Please remember that it is important to follow each one of these rules in order to avoid your post getting muted or you getting disqualified.
We are encouraging you all to take part and show us your creative sides, you might be teaching someone a thing or two. After all, that is why Nature blessed us with these gifts so that we could bless the world with them. We look forward to a lot of creativity from you all.
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